On 2012-5-25 21:54, Phil Sutter wrote:
Also drop the whole definition, since it's unused otherwise.

Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter<phil.sut...@viprinet.com>
  drivers/crypto/mv_cesa.c |    1 -
  drivers/crypto/mv_cesa.h |    7 -------
  2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/crypto/mv_cesa.c b/drivers/crypto/mv_cesa.c
index 8327bed..4a1f872 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/mv_cesa.c
+++ b/drivers/crypto/mv_cesa.c
@@ -908,7 +908,6 @@ irqreturn_t crypto_int(int irq, void *priv)
                       "got an interrupt but no pending timer?\n");
        val&= ~SEC_INT_ACCEL0_DONE;
-       writel(val, cpg->reg + FPGA_INT_STATUS);
        writel(val, cpg->reg + SEC_ACCEL_INT_STATUS);
        BUG_ON(cpg->eng_st != ENGINE_BUSY);
        cpg->eng_st = ENGINE_W_DEQUEUE;
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/mv_cesa.h b/drivers/crypto/mv_cesa.h
index 08fcb11..81ce109 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/mv_cesa.h
+++ b/drivers/crypto/mv_cesa.h
@@ -29,13 +29,6 @@
  #define SEC_ST_ACT_0          (1<<  0)
  #define SEC_ST_ACT_1          (1<<  1)

- * FPGA_INT_STATUS looks like a FPGA leftover and is documented only in Errata
- * 4.12. It looks like that it was part of an IRQ-controller in FPGA and
- * someone forgot to remove  it while switching to the core and moving to
- */
-#define FPGA_INT_STATUS                0xdd68
  #define SEC_ACCEL_INT_STATUS  0xde20
  #define SEC_INT_AUTH_DONE     (1<<  0)
  #define SEC_INT_DES_E_DONE    (1<<  1)

According to the functional errata of 88F5182, the FPGA_INT_STATUS is needed (at least for 88F5182-A1/A2). Here is the quote from that errata:

4.12 Clearing the Cryptographic Engines and Security Accelerator Interrupt Cause Register
        Type:           Guideline
        Ref#:           GL-CESA-100
        Relevant for:   88F5182-A1/A2

Writing 0 to bits[6:0] of the Crytographic Engines ... Interrupt Cause register (offset 0x9DE20) has no effect.

Steps to be performed by the designer
Before writing 0 to any of the bits[6:0] of the Cryptographic Engines .. Interrupt Cause register, the software must write 0 to the corresponding bit of the internal register at offset 0x9DD68. Writing to offset 0x9DD68 is not possible when any of the Security Accelerators' sessions are active. Therefore, the software must verify that no channel is active before clearing any of those interrupts.
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