
Please look to the patch just before your email...
[RFC v1.1 2/5] crypto: ksign - digital signature verification support

It implements RSA verification for IMA/EVM.
May be it would be interesting to you.

- Dmitry

On 11/08/11 21:30, Michel Machado wrote:
> Hi there,
>    I'm implementing a new network stack in Linux's kernel [1], and I
> need a RSA implementation to keep the guarantees of the design [2].
>    Searching the archive of Linux's mailing lists, I've found that
> adding RSA to the kernel has been already tried, but it was left out
> because the uses were not convincing then.
>    I intend to submit my work [3, 4] when I get a reasonable working
> version. Until there, could anyone point me to a working patch to add
> RSA to the kernel? The old patch [5] doesn't integrate with the current
> Crypto API.
>    Is there hope to have RSA added to Linux? If not for a ready use,
> it'd help to experiment with things that are still in the making.
> [1] http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~xia/
> [2] http://reports-archive.adm.cs.cmu.edu/anon/2011/CMU-CS-11-100.pdf
> [3] git://github.com/AltraMayor/XIA-for-Linux.git
> [4] git://github.com/AltraMayor/xiaconf.git
> [5] http://lwn.net/Articles/228892/
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  • RSA Michel Machado
    • Re: RSA Dmitry Kasatkin

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