On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 10:26:33AM +0330, Hamid Nassiby wrote:
> As you know, I posted my problem again to crypto list and no one answered.
> Now I
> emphasize one aspect of the problem as a concept related to IPSec protocol,
> free
> of my problem's nature, and I hope to get some guidelines at this time. The
> question is as following:
> If IPSec delivers IP packets to hardware crypto accelerator in sequential
> manner
> (e.g, packets in order: 1, 2, 3, ..., 36, 37, 38,...) and crypto accelerator
> possibly returns back packets out of entering order to IPSec (e.g, packet
> 37 is returned back before the packet 36 to IPSec, so the order of packets
> is
> not the same before entering crypto accelerator and after exiting it); Is it
> possible to rise any problem here?

We do not allow such reordering.  All crypto drivers must ensure
ordering within a single tfm.  Between different tfms there is no
ordering requirement.

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