From: Herbert Xu <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2011 11:14:59 +1100

> Anyway, here is a test program that does a set number (1024 * 1024)
> of 4096-byte (total 4GB) encryptions with libssl and kernel crypto.
> The result on my Core 2 (in a KVM VM FWIW) is:
> lenny0:~# time ./test_crypto > /dev/null 
> real    0m30.340s
> user    0m0.172s
> sys     0m30.166s
> lenny0:~# time ./test_crypto software > /dev/null 
> real    0m34.555s
> user    0m34.550s
> sys     0m0.004s
> lenny0:~# 
> I'm not claiming these numbers make any sense but this is just
> a ballpark figure.
> Dave, can you run this program on your N2 and see what it shows?

Sure, here goes, BTW I had to change the buffer size to 8192 since
vmsplice requires page aligned operation (I was getting -EINVAL

da...@maramba:~$ time ./crypto_user_test >/dev/null

real             0m46.586s
user             0m3.280s
sys              0m43.230s
da...@maramba:~$ time ./crypto_user_test software >/dev/null

real             10m40.336s
user             10m40.540s
sys              0m0.000s

What's that, something like a factor of 13 faster? :-)
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