2010/8/11 Linus Walleij <linus.wall...@stericsson.com>:


> Hi Miloslav,
>   c.f how the ALSA mixer presents a lot of things to userspace without
>   using any enums at all in /dev/snd/controlC0 for card 0. For example
>   in include/linux/soundcard.h you find the different control knobs
>   enumerated with strings so as to avoid explicit enums.

This is a double edged sword. Although it provides freedom at the
userspace, it would also allow crypto algorithms that were not
considered by the original design to be used with unpredictable
results. Moreover typos are found at run-time rather than
compile-time. For this and similar reasons interfaces of crypto
libraries and PKCS #11 define explicitly the allowed algorithms. This
design followed this principle.

> 2. To avoid security hazards the API would benefit from being programmed
>   with at least some secure programming concepts in mid. Input argument
>   checking separate from algorithm separate from output argument checking,
>   and erasing of information from stacks and buffers. More or less

What do you consider as a threat here? Is it for the kernel returing
unerased buffers and stack to userspace?

> 3. A general interface for stream ciphers would be nice. The only differences
>   are that they do not operate on blocks, but bits, and that they
> always require
>   an IV. Arguably this can be added later if the aspect if just considered 
> when
>   devising the interface. The recent discussion in this thread
> regarding netlink
>   points in a direction where streams are a natural part of the concept I
>   believe.

This interface works (or should) with any kind of cipher. It is
designed to be wrappable to a pkcs #11 module, to be used easily as
backend by existing crypto applications and libraries.

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