If a scatterwalk chain contains an entry with an unaligned offset then
hash_walk_next() will cut off the next step at the next alignment point.

However, if the entry ends before the next alignment point then we a loop,
which leads to a kernel oops.

Fix this by checking whether the next aligment point is before the end of the
current entry.

Signed-off-by: Szilveszter Ördög <slip...@gmail.com>
Added the Signed-off-by line

 crypto/ahash.c |    7 +++++--
 1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/crypto/ahash.c b/crypto/ahash.c
index b8c59b8..f669822 100644
--- a/crypto/ahash.c
+++ b/crypto/ahash.c
@@ -47,8 +47,11 @@ static int hash_walk_next(struct crypto_hash_walk *walk)
        walk->data = crypto_kmap(walk->pg, 0);
        walk->data += offset;

-       if (offset & alignmask)
-               nbytes = alignmask + 1 - (offset & alignmask);
+       if (offset & alignmask) {
+               unsigned int unaligned = alignmask + 1 - (offset & alignmask);
+               if (nbytes > unaligned)
+                       nbytes = unaligned;
+       }

        walk->entrylen -= nbytes;
        return nbytes;
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