On Thu, Apr 08, 2010 at 06:35:33PM +0200, dmitry.kasat...@nokia.com wrote:
> Sha1 only is also very useful. We calcluate hashes of all binaries for 
> integrity verification. We do not need hmac there.

But do we do that in the Linux kernel?

Of course it would be useful if we had a user-space API, but
that is still on the TODO list.

> But in general it is possible do add algo hmac(sha1) to the driver and 
> implement it internally without import/export.

No we don't want to add hmac to every single driver that does
sha1.  So this would not be a good precedent.  In any case,
some form of import/export must be possible (maybe not in our
current format) because our API requires the ability to perform
a partial update and postpone the finalisation indefinitely.

If you couldn't import/export, that would imply that the hardware
must have infinite memory.

> I have to check on documentation publicity.

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