On Wed, Apr 07, 2010 at 02:29:53AM -0400, Pavel Roskin wrote:
> Can we avoid those special cases?  If the goal is "to make arc4
> compliant with the crypto API", this looks like a step in a wrong
> direction.
> The same applies to many other changes in the series.
> I do realize that the original arc4 is not a block cipher at all.

I don't like this bit either.

Sebastian, how about precomputing the IV and provide them directly
as a hex array?

To test arc4_setup_iv itself, you can add an alg_test_arc4 function
(like alg_test_crc32) that tests IV generation specifically.

Alternatively, just add an alg_test_arc4 that computes the IV
before calling alg_test_skcipher.

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