On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 09:01:15AM +0800, Herbert Xu wrote:
> IIRC modprobe(8) in user-space is supposed to load all dependencies
> prior to loading the main module.  So something must've gone wrong
> before bnx2/bnx2x was loaded.  Please strace it to see why libcrc32c
> wasn't loaded successfully before the kernel ever saw bnx2/bnx2x.

In fact I just tried it on my machine and modprobe bnx2x correctly
loaded libcrc32c + crc32c before loading bnx2x (you don't need the
hardware, it'll stay loaded).  My kernel is 2.6.33-rc8.

I suspect it's a user-space problem.  I'm using module-init-tools
3.4-1 from Debian.

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