Dimitrios Siganos <dimit...@siganos.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to write an ABLKCIPHER algorithm for my hardware crypto 
> engine and I have a few questions:
> 1) In struct ablkcipher_alg, what do these fields do? I see some 
> implementations use them and some not. Do I need to implement them?
>    int (*givencrypt)(struct skcipher_givcrypt_request *req);
>    int (*givdecrypt)(struct skcipher_givcrypt_request *req);
>    const char *geniv;

These do not have to be implemented, unless your hardware is
capable of generating initial IVs (e.g., through a secure RNG).

> 2) What is a CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_GIVCIPHER? What does it do and how does it 
> interface to other algorithms?

That's the type to use if you do choose to provide givencrypt
and givdecrypt.

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