On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 11:45 AM, Kumar Gala <ga...@kernel.crashing.org> wrote:
>> The specific case it is needed for Talitos/raid is a channel switch 
>> interrupt.  The interrupt causes the cleanup operation to be run which will 
>> kick off any pending dependent operations on the xor channel.  In the raid 
>> case we only have callbacks at the end of a chain, so we need the interrupt 
>> to kick the engine in an operation chain like xor->copy->xor->callback.
> Ok, I'm still confused as to how the DMA interrupt interacts with the 
> Talitos/raid side of things.  The should be completely independent (separate 
> interrupts, separate IP blocks).

To keep hardware implementation details out of md/raid the async_tx
api provides support for managing cross-channel dependency chains.
When the raid5 code submits a xor->copy->xor chain the api prepares
all the descriptors across all the involved channels but then delays
submission as needed to maintain ordering.  So at a minimum we need
two interrupts in this scenario one from Talitos to kick the
submission of the copy-descriptor to fsldma when the first xor
completes, and another one to kick the submission of the second
xor-descriptor on Talitos when fsldma completes the copy.  Needless to
say it is more efficient when a channel has all the capabilities, but
this channel switch mechanism has proven effective on iop3xx and

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