Hi, all

Sorry for that I have to ask the question once more for asymmetric crypto. 
And another question is about FIPS.

My problem is our SOC chip is the application processor, and provide the Crypto 
hardware engine with hash, symmetric crypto (aes, 3des, etc) and asymmetric 
crypto (PKCS-RSA, ECC, etc). 

We want use the Linux CryptoAPI to enable the crypto engine. But now Linux 
CryptoAPI has supported (a)hash and (a)blockcipher well, but can NOT support 
asymmetric crypto.

So question is: Does Linux CryptoAPI will be a general crypto engine 
accelerator framework for Linux platform, or just only dedicated for Linux 
Like the thread has discussed, 
Some guys think that nobody wants to use RSA in the kernel, but if Linux 
CryptoAPI wants support user space (As Herbert has mentioned it in the 
September's conference), then the scenario is changing.
For example, if the browsers use the OpenSSL, and OpenSSL can call the Linux 
CryptoAPI to get the HW acceleration, and eventually optimize its performance.

So I want get more clearly for this point. Any comment is appreciated. Thanks a 

Best Regards,
Leo Yan

Best Regards,
Leo Yan
Ext: 24880
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