Hi, all

I am a newbie for Linux crypto.
Recently I am warming up on Linux Crypto APIs and have some questions.
Would you kindly give me some hints about it J ?

1. Does Linux Crypto API now support user space or not? 
I have googled the mailing list, and find some guys have committed some patches 
for it.
But so far, in the Linux mainline (2.6.31) do not merge it. 
So Linux Crypto API will support user space or not?

2. OCF has been ported to Linux, so will OCF integrate with Linux Crypto API or 
If Linux Crypto API will support the user space and provide the user space 
APIs, then OpenBSD Cryptographics Framework
will directly use the Linux Crypto APIs or not? Otherwise 

Thanks a lot.

Best Regards,

Leo Yan
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