On Wed, Sep 02, 2009 at 09:08:38AM -0500, Brad Bosch wrote:
> Assume the worker thread is executing between the dequeue in
> async_chainiv_do_postponed and the clear_bit call in
> async_chainiv_schedule_work.  Further assume that we are processing

It cannot.  The worker thread can only execute when it owns
the INUSE bit.  In that case do_postponed will never call the
schedule_work function.

Perhaps you were misled by the clear_bit call in schedule_work.
That is only used if we end up not scheduling the work.
> Unfortunately, the offset problem is not easily reproduced with our
> application, so testing long enough to be sure the problem is fixed
> (assuming that it was indeed the cause of the oops) may not be
> practical.  All I can say at the moment is that I have not seen the
> crash since I introduced the two patches I sent you.

OK I'll forward this upstream then.

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