While doing a bit of testing of some other crypto code, I've repeatedly
noticed a sha384 self-test failure. If you 'modprobe tcrypt', the
sha384 self-test fails, then immediately after it, sha384-generic
self-tests succeed. Something is awry w/sha384 initialization, as
can be more plainly seen by the following after a reboot:

# modprobe tcrypt mode=11 (run sha384 self-test)

alg: hash: Failed to load transform for sha384: -2

# modprobe tcrypt mode=12 (run sha512 self-test)

alg: self-tests for sha384-generic (sha384) passed
alg: self-tests for sha512-generic (sha512) passed
alg: self-tests for sha512 (sha512) passed

# modprobe tcrypt mode=11 (run sha384 self-test again)

alg: self-tests for sha384 (sha384) passed

Not sure offhand what's going awry, and don't have time to look deeper
right now, but will do so if nobody else gets around to it first...

Jarod Wilson
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