Dear all,

I'm testing one hifn card with cryptsetup, but the vgdisplay will hang after I 
created the LV
by cryptsetup. If I reboot the system, the system will hang during activating 
LVs at boot time.

The system is CentOS5.2+ kernel. I used all default options to create 
the encryption disk.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# cryptsetup status encrypt
/dev/mapper/encrypt is active:
  cipher:  aes-cbc-essiv:sha256
  keysize: 128 bits
  device:  /dev/mapper/vol-encrypt
  offset:  1032 sectors
  size:    2096120 sectors
  mode:    read/write

I searched the alias, but no clue for vgdispaly.
Could you please give some hints? (Please cc me because I'm not in this alias 
Thank you!


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