On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 09:55:00PM +1200, Michal Ludvig wrote:
> IIRC The first versions of VIA PadLock required the input data to be
> aligned on 16-bytes boundaries and more importantly they always
> finalised the hash. Therefore we had to collect all data before hashing
> them.

Hmm, the current manual states that it does a bswap on the input
and therefore alignment isn't required.  There is no mention about
older processors requiring 16-byte alignment.

Do you know if the old alignment requirement is documented anywhere?
Or even better do you have a processor that enforces this?

Not requiring the alignment would allow IPsec at least to avoid
having to copy the data.

> AFAIK Recent versions of PadLock don't insist on finalising the hash and
>  don't insist on input data alignment either and this workaround isn't
> needed anymore. I don't know if VIA still sells their motherboard models
> with the older CPUs or not.

Interesting.  I couldn't find anything in the manual about not
requireing finalisation.  Do you know where I can find out more
about this?

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