On Wed, Nov 28, 2007 at 07:31:30AM +0800, Tan Swee Heng wrote:
> This patch adds a large AES CTR mode test vector. The test vector is
> 4100 bytes in size. It was generated using a C++ program that called
> Crypto++.
> Note that this patch increases considerably the size of "struct
> cipher_testvec" and hence the size of tcrypt.ko.
> Signed-off-by: Tan Swee Heng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Patch applied.  It's a good thing modules use vmalloc and tcrypt doesn't
have to stay loaded :)

Longer term we want to 

1) Split tcrypt into core and algorithm-specific chunks.  Have each
algorithm produce its own tcrypt module.

2) Change these staticly sized arrays to something a bit more flexible.

Hopefully your addition will actually prompt someone (other than me :)
to do these things.

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