* Herbert Xu | 2007-08-02 10:30:06 [+0800]:

>> I noticed this, after my code did not work properly. The reason was,
>> that my private ctx was not retrieved with
>> crypto_ablkcipher_ctx_aligned() (attached) but with
>> crypto_ablkcipher_ctx() (and it was not properly aligned anymore).
>> My fault right? 
>Yeah if your ctx needs to be aligned you need to use

Okey this makes sense. What about crypto_ctxsize()? Isn't a bug there?
I can't specify an alignmask of 16 (what I assumed yesterday after a
part of brain switched to sleep()) because this brakes the ALIGN()
macro. Isn't something like

--- a/crypto/api.c
+++ b/crypto/api.c
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ static unsigned int crypto_ctxsize(struc
        const struct crypto_type *type_obj = alg->cra_type;
        unsigned int len;
-       len = alg->cra_alignmask & ~(crypto_tfm_ctx_alignment() - 1);
+       len = alg->cra_alignmask | (crypto_tfm_ctx_alignment() -1)
        if (type_obj)
                return len + type_obj->ctxsize(alg, type, mask);
required? VIA's PadLock driver uses manully ALIGN() instead of
crypto_.*_ctx_aligned() to do this. Therefore it will overwrite memory
or am I overlooking something?

>> --- a/include/crypto/algapi.h
>> +++ b/include/crypto/algapi.h
>> @@ -160,6 +160,11 @@ static inline void *crypto_ablkcipher_ct
>>      return crypto_tfm_ctx(&tfm->base);
>>  }
>> +static inline void *crypto_ablkcipher_ctx_aligned(struct crypto_ablkcipher 
>> *tfm)
>> +{
>> +    return crypto_tfm_ctx_aligned(&tfm->base);
>> +}
>> +
>>  static inline struct crypto_blkcipher *crypto_spawn_blkcipher(
>>      struct crypto_spawn *spawn)
>Looks good.  Could you add a description and sign-off?

Yes, no problem.

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