On Fri, Oct 20, 2006 at 03:34:40PM +0200, Andreas Jellinghaus ([EMAIL 
PROTECTED]) wrote:
> >Btw, async provider only supports AES-128 in CBC mode, so if you try
> >different ciphers, there can be some problems.
> my code does
> SECTORS=`blockdev --getsize /dev/hda3`
> echo 0 $SECTORS crypt aes-cbc-essiv:sha256 $ROOTKEY 0 /dev/hda3 0 \
>         |dmsetup create root
> so this is not compatible with acrypto I guess :(
> any special reason why acrypto is limited this way?

I'm lazy and I did not implemented async provider so it would request
other ciphers. It is not limitation of acrypto, but instead of software
async_provider, which should be extended to support any kind of ciphers,
instead of precompiled one.

> guess that limitation needs to go away before it can be added to
> the linux kernel, or some workaround so dm-crypt will fall back on
> not using acrypto or something like that in order to not brake existing
> and working installations.

Well, I guess async_provider itself should go away, instead I will
change synchronous cryptoapi code to register itself as acrypto device
when new tfm is created.

> Thanks, Andreas

        Evgeniy Polyakov
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