The Coverity checker spotted the following in crypto/aes.c:

<--  snip  -->

struct aes_ctx {
        int key_length;
        u32 E[60];
        u32 D[60];

#define E_KEY ctx->E
#define loop8(i)                                    \
{   t = ror32(t,  8); ; t = ls_box(t) ^ rco_tab[i];  \
    t ^= E_KEY[8 * i];     E_KEY[8 * i + 8] = t;    \
    t ^= E_KEY[8 * i + 1]; E_KEY[8 * i + 9] = t;    \
    t ^= E_KEY[8 * i + 2]; E_KEY[8 * i + 10] = t;   \
    t ^= E_KEY[8 * i + 3]; E_KEY[8 * i + 11] = t;   \
    t  = E_KEY[8 * i + 4] ^ ls_box(t);    \
    E_KEY[8 * i + 12] = t;                \
    t ^= E_KEY[8 * i + 5]; E_KEY[8 * i + 13] = t;   \
    t ^= E_KEY[8 * i + 6]; E_KEY[8 * i + 14] = t;   \
    t ^= E_KEY[8 * i + 7]; E_KEY[8 * i + 15] = t;   \

static int
aes_set_key(void *ctx_arg, const u8 *in_key, unsigned int key_len, u32 *flags)
        case 32:
                for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
                        loop8 (i);

<--  snip  -->

The problem is:

  8 * 6 + 15 = 63  >  59



       "Is there not promise of rain?" Ling Tan asked suddenly out
        of the darkness. There had been need of rain for many days.
       "Only a promise," Lao Er said.
                                       Pearl S. Buck - Dragon Seed

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