>What is the closest airport for Coralville? I would imagine most people will want to use the "Eastern Iowa Airport", which I still think of by it's original name, the Cedar Rapids Airport. The airport symbol is CID which I think stands for Cedar Rapids, Iowa City and Dubuque. The Iowa City airport is closer, but it is a very small airport. I'm not sure what commercial flights, if any, are available there. There is a shuttle service at the Eastern Iowa Airport that will bring you to the hotel. The price goes down if more people reserve it together. We will be looking into that and have more details later.
There is also an AmTrak stop about an hour south at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. If there is enough interest we might be able to arrange some transportation to/from the station. Anita Hansen - To unsubscribe send email to majord...@arachne.com containing the line: unsubscribe lace y...@address.here. For help, write to arachne.modera...@gmail.com. Photo site: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lacemaker/sets/