KMyMoney 4.6.2 using Windows XP SP3
I took a closer look at the number columns that do or do not have 
right-justified header names.
Forecast: OK
Budgets: NO (Total Balance, Total Value)
Investments: OK
Categories: NO (Total Balance, Total Value)
Accounts: NO (Total Balance, Total Value)
Institutions: NO (Total Balance, Total Value)
Home: OK
I have a few other suggestions that I will save for another day...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Thomas Baumgart" <>
Cc: "minikupr" <>
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 1:19:02 AM
Subject: Re: [Kmymoney-devel] Feedback


on Sunday 12 February 2012 22:41:22 minikupr wrote:

> Hello,
> I have been testing your program and am somewhat impressed. Windows XP SP3.
> Here are a few things to take a look at:
> 1. Accounts View. USER selected column widths and column placement are LOST
> when the program is closed. Categories and Institutions seem to work fine.
> 2. Budgets View. Same problem. I have not tested Investments and Forecasts
> yet.

We will take a look into those.

> 3. I see money columns as being right-justified (decimals line up). Thank
> goodness. I see so much software with left-justified money columns. How
> ridiculous. My point is this. In some parts of the program the header is
> also right-justified (my preference). But in some places it is not?

That last part is a bit unprecise and will cost us a lot of time to figure out 
where you have seen that behavior. Can you tell us a bit more about it? Also, 
mentioning the version of the application is also of benefit.

Thanks a lot for the feedback. Hope we can get rid of the word 'somewhat' in 
your first sentence soon ;)



Thomas Baumgart

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