--- Comment #3 from RJVB <> ---
This is still a frequent obstacle that really degrades the user experience.
Having to wait up to several seconds every time your (mouse) cursor enters code
that is not correct (or no longer correct, as in when you change a variable
name) gets old really fast. Similar things also happen when entering new code.

I've always been surprised that I noticed this only on Mac and not on Linux but
maybe that's simply because my Linux desktops don't have a beachball cursor
equivalent, and since they're so much slower than my Mac I do less development
with them anyway. Earlier today I noticed a similar behaviour editing
gitmessagehighlighter.cpp for a RR I have open.

Replacing `format.setFontItalic(true)` with something else, I left it as
`format.set(true)` while making a point edit elsewhere. Even hovering the mouse
pointer over that undefined method blocked the UI.

Reproducing the situation on a Mac I obtained the backtrace below. Apparently
this particular and relatively costly parsing operation is performed on the
main thread, blocking event handling (which is exactly what triggers the
beachball cursor on OS X).

Ideally this operation would be performed on a thread of its own, while the
main thread continues to process events and aborts the operation in reaction to
certain events (text input or focus movement that changes the expression being
parsed, for instance).

  * frame #0: 0x00007fff8ca0ddfa libsystem_kernel.dylib`stat$INODE64 + 10
    frame #1: 0x000000010975989f
data=0x00007f85496817a0, what=<unavailable>) + 271 at
qfilesystemengine_unix.cpp:470 [opt]
    frame #2: 0x00000001096fd481 QtCore`QFileInfo::isHidden(this=<unavailable>)
const + 81 at qfileinfo.cpp:967 [opt]
    frame #3: 0x00000001096f5413
fileName=<unavailable>, fi=0x00007fff59697f40) const + 387 at
qdiriterator.cpp:352 [opt]
    frame #4: 0x00000001096f4cc5
QtCore`QDirIteratorPrivate::advance(this=0x00007f854b70ce50) + 1045 at
qdiriterator.cpp:249 [opt]
    frame #5: 0x00000001096f5cf5
QtCore`QDirIterator::next(this=0x00007fff59698068) + 21 at qdiriterator.cpp:481
    frame #6: 0x00000001096eadf3 QtCore`QDir::entryList(this=<unavailable>,
nameFilters=<unavailable>, filters=<unavailable>, sort=<unavailable>) const +
499 at qdir.cpp:1325 [opt]
    frame #7: 0x00000001096eabec QtCore`QDir::entryList(this=<unavailable>,
filters=<unavailable>, sort=<unavailable>) const + 28 at qdir.cpp:1265 [opt]
    frame #8: 0x000000011fc9359a libKDevClangPrivate.26.dylib`(anonymous
namespace)::scanIncludePaths(identifier="set", dir=<unavailable>,
maxDepth=<unavailable>) + 1722 at unknowndeclarationproblem.cpp:104 [opt]
    frame #9: 0x000000011fc93695 libKDevClangPrivate.26.dylib`(anonymous
namespace)::scanIncludePaths(identifier="set", dir=<unavailable>, maxDepth=1) +
1973 at unknowndeclarationproblem.cpp:105 [opt]
    frame #10: 0x000000011fc93695 libKDevClangPrivate.26.dylib`(anonymous
namespace)::scanIncludePaths(identifier="set", dir=<unavailable>, maxDepth=2) +
1973 at unknowndeclarationproblem.cpp:105 [opt]
    frame #11: 0x000000011fc8ee44 libKDevClangPrivate.26.dylib`(anonymous
namespace)::fixUnknownDeclaration(KDevelop::QualifiedIdentifier const&,
KDevelop::Path const&, KDevelop::DocumentRange const&) + 121 at
unknowndeclarationproblem.cpp:118 [opt]
    frame #12: 0x000000011fc8edcb libKDevClangPrivate.26.dylib`(anonymous
namespace)::fixUnknownDeclaration(KDevelop::QualifiedIdentifier const&,
KDevelop::Path const&, KDevelop::DocumentRange const&) [inlined] (anonymous
namespace)::includeFiles(declarations=<unavailable>, file=("Volumes", "Debian",
"Users", "bertin", "work", "src", "new", "KDE", "KF5", "kdevplatform-git-5",
"plugins", "git", "gitmessagehighlighter.cpp")) + 4271 at
unknowndeclarationproblem.cpp:390 [opt]
    frame #13: 0x000000011fc8dd1c libKDevClangPrivate.26.dylib`(anonymous
file=("Volumes", "Debian", "Users", "bertin", "work", "src", "new", "KDE",
"KF5", "kdevplatform-git-5", "plugins", "git", "gitmessagehighlighter.cpp"),
docrange=<unavailable>) + 5724 at unknowndeclarationproblem.cpp:466 [opt]
    frame #14: 0x000000011fc8c552
const + 178 at unknowndeclarationproblem.cpp:520 [opt]
    frame #15: 0x000000011fc90c12 libKDevClangPrivate.26.dylib`non-virtual
thunk to UnknownDeclarationProblem::solutionAssistant(this=<unavailable>) const
+ 18 at unknowndeclarationproblem.cpp:517 [opt]
    frame #16: 0x000000010a080cb7
shorten=<unavailable>) + 6551 at problemnavigationcontext.cpp:172 [opt]
    frame #17: 0x000000010a082fb6
+ 54 at abstractnavigationwidget.cpp:148 [opt]
    frame #18: 0x000000010a082e90
context=<unavailable>, initBrows=<unavailable>) + 224 at
abstractnavigationwidget.cpp:116 [opt]
    frame #19: 0x000000011eb6229c`ContextBrowserPlugin::navigationWidgetForPosition(this=0x00007f855be738e0,
view=0x00007f855d4cbe00, position=<unavailable>) + 2828 at
contextbrowser.cpp:539 [opt]
    frame #20: 0x000000011eb60dfa`ContextBrowserPlugin::showToolTip(this=0x00007f855be738e0,
view=0x00007f855d4cbe00, position=<unavailable>) + 90 at contextbrowser.cpp:585
    frame #21: 0x000000011eb60d84`ContextBrowserHintProvider::textHint(this=0x00007f855be73a58,
view=<unavailable>, cursor=(39, 12)) + 324 at contextbrowser.cpp:407 [opt]
    frame #22: 0x0000000107282297
+ 311 at kateviewinternal.cpp:3101 [opt]
    frame #23: 0x0000000107377f35
_c=<unavailable>, _id=<unavailable>, _a=<unavailable>) + 885 at
moc_kateviewinternal.cpp:200 [opt]
    frame #24: 0x00000001097f98a4
QtCore`QMetaObject::activate(sender="00:00:00", signalOffset=<unavailable>,
local_signal_index=<unavailable>, argv=<unavailable>) + 3028 at
qobject.cpp:3730 [opt]
    frame #25: 0x00000001097f1ba0 QtCore`QObject::event(this="00:00:00",
e=<unavailable>) + 48 at qobject.cpp:1237 [opt]
    frame #26: 0x000000010866e1e6
receiver="00:00:00", e="00:00:00") + 294 at qapplication.cpp:3804 [opt]
    frame #27: 0x0000000108671726
QtWidgets`QApplication::notify(this=<unavailable>, receiver=<unavailable>,
e=<unavailable>) + 8470 at qapplication.cpp:3767 [opt]
    frame #28: 0x00000001097c5587
QtCore`QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2(receiver="00:00:00", event="00:00:00")
+ 167 at qcoreapplication.cpp:1020 [opt]
    frame #29: 0x000000010981e7a1 QtCore`QTimerInfoList::activateTimers()
[inlined] QCoreApplication::sendEvent(receiver=<unavailable>,
event=0x0000000109a30150) + 1329 at qcoreapplication.h:225 [opt]
    frame #30: 0x000000010981e794
QtCore`QTimerInfoList::activateTimers(this="00:00:00") + 1316 at
qtimerinfo_unix.cpp:637 [opt]
    frame #31: 0x0000000112ff8482
+ 18 at [opt]
    frame #32: 0x00007fff866c35b1
    frame #33: 0x00007fff866b4c62 CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 242
    frame #34: 0x00007fff866b43ef CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopRun + 831
    frame #35: 0x00007fff866b3e75 CoreFoundation`CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 309
    frame #36: 0x00007fff8a9d7a0d HIToolbox`RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 226
    frame #37: 0x00007fff8a9d77b7 HIToolbox`ReceiveNextEventCommon + 479
    frame #38: 0x00007fff8a9d75bc
HIToolbox`_BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 65
    frame #39: 0x00007fff8e86f24e AppKit`_DPSNextEvent + 1434
    frame #40: 0x00007fff8e86e89b AppKit`-[NSApplication
nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 122
    frame #41: 0x00007fff8e86299c AppKit`-[NSApplication run] + 553
    frame #42: 0x0000000112ff908d
flags=<unavailable>) + 2189 at [opt]
    frame #43: 0x00000001097c19a1
QtCore`QEventLoop::exec(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) [inlined]
QEventLoop::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 401 at
qeventloop.cpp:128 [opt]
    frame #44: 0x00000001097c1984
QtCore`QEventLoop::exec(this=0x00007fff5969ada0, flags=<unavailable>) + 372 at
qeventloop.cpp:204 [opt]
    frame #45: 0x00000001097c5c15 QtCore`QCoreApplication::exec() + 325 at
qcoreapplication.cpp:1290 [opt]

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