--- Comment #2 from Lars Schimmer <> ---

did recompile with that options and got this output:

** amarok --debug                    **
QObject::connect: No such signal Phonon::VLC::MediaObject::angleChanged(int)
QObject::connect: No such signal
WARNING: Phonon::createPath: Cannot connect  Phonon::MediaObject ( no
objectName ) to  Phonon::AudioDataOutput ( no objectName ).
QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified
QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified
ASSERT: "qmlPackage.isValid()" in file
/usr/src/amarok/amarok/src/context/ContextView.cpp, line 78
44 -- exe=/usr/src/amarok/amarok/build/bin/amarok
13 -- platform=xcb
11 -- display=:0
15 -- appname=amarok
41 -- apppath=/usr/src/amarok/amarok/build/bin
9 -- signal=6
12 -- pid=1264398
21 -- appversion=3.0.0-git
19 -- programname=Amarok
31 --
KCrash: crashing... crashRecursionCounter = 2
KCrash: Application Name = amarok path = /usr/src/amarok/amarok/build/bin pid =
KCrash: Arguments: /usr/src/amarok/amarok/build/bin/amarok
KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/drkonqi
[1]  + 1264398 suspended (signal)  ./bin/amarok
147 ei2pee@orville ~src/amarok/amarok/build (git)-[master] % ./bin/amarok
amarok: BEGIN: void App::continueInit()
amarok:   BEGIN: virtual int App::newInstance()
amarok:     BEGIN: void App::handleCliArgs(const QString&)
amarok:     END__: void App::handleCliArgs(const QString&) [Took: 0s]
amarok:   END__: virtual int App::newInstance() [Took: 0s]
amarok:   BEGIN: DebugLogger::DebugLogger(QObject*)
amarok:   END__: DebugLogger::DebugLogger(QObject*) [Took: 0s]
amarok:   BEGIN: EngineController::EngineController()
amarok:   END__: EngineController::EngineController() [Took: 0s]
amarok:   BEGIN: void EngineController::initializePhonon()
QObject::connect: No such signal Phonon::VLC::MediaObject::angleChanged(int)
QObject::connect: No such signal
amarok:     BEGIN: void EqualizerController::initialize(const Phonon::Path&)
amarok:       [EqualizerController] Established Phonon equalizer effect with 11
amarok:       BEGIN: void EqualizerController::eqUpdate()
amarok:       END__: void EqualizerController::eqUpdate() [Took: 0s]
amarok:     END__: void EqualizerController::initialize(const Phonon::Path&)
[Took: 0s]
WARNING: Phonon::createPath: Cannot connect  Phonon::MediaObject ( no
objectName ) to  Phonon::AudioDataOutput ( no objectName ).
amarok:     [EngineController] Tick Interval (actual):  100
amarok:   END__: void EngineController::initializePhonon() [Took: 0.011s]
amarok:   BEGIN: CollectionManager::CollectionManager()
amarok:   END__: CollectionManager::CollectionManager() [Took: 0s]
amarok:   BEGIN: MainWindow::MainWindow()
amarok:     BEGIN: Plugins::PluginManager::PluginManager(QObject*)
amarok:       BEGIN: void Plugins::PluginManager::checkPluginEnabledStates()
amarok:         [PluginManager] found plugin:
"amarok_collection-audiocdcollection" enabled: true
amarok:         [PluginManager] found plugin: "amarok_service_gpodder" enabled:
amarok:         [PluginManager] found plugin:
"amarok_collection-daapcollection" enabled: false
amarok:         [PluginManager] found plugin: "amarok_importer-itunes" enabled:
amarok:         [PluginManager] found plugin: "amarok_collection-mtpcollection"
enabled: true
amarok:         [PluginManager] Plugin "amarok_storage-mysqlserverstorage" is
amarok:         [PluginManager] found plugin:
"amarok_storage-mysqlserverstorage" enabled: true
amarok:         [PluginManager] found plugin: "amarok_collection-umscollection"
enabled: true
amarok:         [PluginManager] found plugin: "amarok_service_lastfm" enabled:
amarok:         [PluginManager] found plugin:
"amarok_collection-playdarcollection" enabled: false
amarok:         [PluginManager] found plugin: "amarok_importer-rhythmbox"
enabled: false
amarok:         [PluginManager] found plugin: "amarok_service_magnatunestore"
enabled: false
amarok:         [PluginManager] found plugin: "amarok_importer-fastforward"
enabled: false
amarok:         [PluginManager] found plugin: "amarok_importer-amarok" enabled:
amarok:         [PluginManager] found plugin: "amarok_service_ampache" enabled:
amarok:         [PluginManager] found plugin: "amarok_service_opmldirectory"
enabled: true
amarok:         [PluginManager] Plugin "amarok_collection-mysqlcollection" is
amarok:         [PluginManager] found plugin:
"amarok_collection-mysqlcollection" enabled: true
amarok:         [PluginManager] Plugin "amarok_storage-mysqlestorage" is vital
amarok:         [PluginManager] found plugin: "amarok_storage-mysqlestorage"
enabled: true
amarok:         [PluginManager] found plugin: "amarok_importer-banshee"
enabled: false
amarok:         [PluginManager] found plugin: "amarok_importer-clementine"
enabled: false
amarok:         [PluginManager] 19 plugins in total
amarok:         [PluginManager] Creating factory for plugin:
amarok:         [PluginManager] Creating factory for plugin:
amarok:         [PluginManager] Creating factory for plugin:
amarok:         [PluginManager] Creating factory for plugin:
amarok:         [PluginManager] Creating factory for plugin:
amarok:         [PluginManager] Creating factory for plugin:
amarok:         [PluginManager] Plugin "amarok_storage-mysqlserverstorage" is
amarok:         [PluginManager] Creating factory for plugin:
amarok:         [PluginManager] Creating factory for plugin:
amarok:         [PluginManager] Creating factory for plugin:
amarok:         BEGIN:
amarok:         END__:
Collections::PlaydarCollectionFactory::PlaydarCollectionFactory() [Took: 0s]
amarok:         [PluginManager] Creating factory for plugin:
amarok:         [PluginManager] Creating factory for plugin:
amarok:         [PluginManager] Creating factory for plugin:
amarok:         [PluginManager] Creating factory for plugin:
amarok:         [PluginManager] Creating factory for plugin:
amarok:         [PluginManager] Creating factory for plugin:
amarok:         [PluginManager] Creating factory for plugin:
amarok:         [PluginManager] Plugin "amarok_collection-mysqlcollection" is
amarok:         [PluginManager] Creating factory for plugin:
amarok:         [PluginManager] Plugin "amarok_storage-mysqlestorage" is vital
amarok:         [PluginManager] Creating factory for plugin:
amarok:         [PluginManager] Creating factory for plugin:
amarok:         BEGIN: StorageManager::StorageManager()
amarok:         END__: StorageManager::StorageManager() [Took: 0s]
amarok:         BEGIN: ServicePluginManager::ServicePluginManager()
amarok:         END__: ServicePluginManager::ServicePluginManager() [Took: 0s]
amarok:         BEGIN: virtual bool MySqlServerStorage::init(const QString&,
const QString&, const QString&, int, const QString&)
amarok:           [MySqlServerStorage] Automatic reconnect successfully
amarok:           [MySqlServerStorage] Connecting to mysql server
"amarokuserorvil" @ "localhost" : 3306
amarok:           [ERROR__] [MySqlStorage] "MySQL-server query failed! (2002)
Can't connect to local server through socket '/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) on
call to mysql_real_connect"
amarok:         END__: virtual bool MySqlServerStorage::init(const QString&,
const QString&, const QString&, int, const QString&) [Took: 0s]
amarok:         BEGIN: virtual MySqlServerStorage::~MySqlServerStorage()
amarok:         END__: virtual MySqlServerStorage::~MySqlServerStorage() [Took:
amarok:         BEGIN: MediaDeviceMonitor::MediaDeviceMonitor()
amarok:           BEGIN: void MediaDeviceMonitor::init()
amarok:             BEGIN: MediaDeviceCache::MediaDeviceCache()
amarok:             END__: MediaDeviceCache::MediaDeviceCache() [Took: 0.001s]
amarok:           END__: void MediaDeviceMonitor::init() [Took: 0.001s]
amarok:         END__: MediaDeviceMonitor::MediaDeviceMonitor() [Took: 0.001s]
amarok:         BEGIN: void
amarok:           BEGIN: void
amarok:             BEGIN: QStringList MediaDeviceMonitor::getDevices()
amarok:               BEGIN: void MediaDeviceCache::refreshCache()
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  ""  and was made
by  ""
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  "WDC
WD161KFGX-68AFPN0"  and was made by  ""
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Solid device is not accessible, will
wait until it is to consider it added.
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  "Samsung SSD 990
PRO 2TB"  and was made by  ""
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  "WDC
WD181KFGX-68AFPN0"  and was made by  ""
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  ""  and was made
by  ""
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  "Samsung SSD 990
PRO 2TB"  and was made by  ""
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  ""  and was made
by  ""
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  ""  and was made
by  ""
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  "Force MP510"  and
was made by  ""
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  "WDC
WD161KFGX-68AFPN0"  and was made by  ""
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  "Samsung SSD 990
PRO 2TB"  and was made by  ""
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Solid device is not accessible, will
wait until it is to consider it added.
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  ""  and was made
by  ""
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageDrive with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  "Samsung SSD 990
PRO 2TB"  and was made by  ""
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageDrive with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  "Force MP510"  and
was made by  ""
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageDrive with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  "Samsung SSD 990
PRO 2TB"  and was made by  ""
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageDrive with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  "PLEXTOR DVDR  
PX-L890SA"  and was made by  ""
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageDrive with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  "WDC
WD181KFGX-68AFPN0"  and was made by  ""
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageDrive with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  "WDC
WD161KFGX-68AFPN0"  and was made by  ""
amarok:               END__: void MediaDeviceCache::refreshCache() [Took:
amarok:             END__: QStringList MediaDeviceMonitor::getDevices() [Took:
amarok:           END__: void
MediaDeviceMonitor::checkDevicesFor(ConnectionAssistant*) [Took: 0.032s]
amarok:         END__: void
MediaDeviceMonitor::registerDeviceType(ConnectionAssistant*) [Took: 0.032s]
amarok:         BEGIN: void
amarok:           BEGIN: void
amarok:             BEGIN: QStringList MediaDeviceMonitor::getDevices()
amarok:               BEGIN: void MediaDeviceCache::refreshCache()
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  ""  and was made
by  ""
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  "WDC
WD161KFGX-68AFPN0"  and was made by  ""
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Solid device is not accessible, will
wait until it is to consider it added.
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  "Samsung SSD 990
PRO 2TB"  and was made by  ""
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  "WDC
WD181KFGX-68AFPN0"  and was made by  ""
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  ""  and was made
by  ""
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  "Samsung SSD 990
PRO 2TB"  and was made by  ""
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  ""  and was made
by  ""
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  ""  and was made
by  ""
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  "Force MP510"  and
was made by  ""
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  "WDC
WD161KFGX-68AFPN0"  and was made by  ""
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  "Samsung SSD 990
PRO 2TB"  and was made by  ""
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Solid device is not accessible, will
wait until it is to consider it added.
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  ""  and was made
by  ""
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageDrive with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  "Samsung SSD 990
PRO 2TB"  and was made by  ""
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageDrive with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  "Force MP510"  and
was made by  ""
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageDrive with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  "Samsung SSD 990
PRO 2TB"  and was made by  ""
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageDrive with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  "PLEXTOR DVDR  
PX-L890SA"  and was made by  ""
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageDrive with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  "WDC
WD181KFGX-68AFPN0"  and was made by  ""
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Found
Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageDrive with udi =
amarok:                 [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  "WDC
WD161KFGX-68AFPN0"  and was made by  ""
amarok:               END__: void MediaDeviceCache::refreshCache() [Took:
amarok:             END__: QStringList MediaDeviceMonitor::getDevices() [Took:
amarok:             BEGIN: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const
amarok:               Not a PMP
amarok:             END__: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const
QString&) [Took: 0s]
amarok:             BEGIN: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const
amarok:               Not a PMP
amarok:             END__: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const
QString&) [Took: 0s]
amarok:             BEGIN: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const
amarok:               Not a PMP
amarok:             END__: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const
QString&) [Took: 0s]
amarok:             BEGIN: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const
amarok:               Not a PMP
amarok:             END__: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const
QString&) [Took: 0s]
amarok:             BEGIN: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const
amarok:               Not a PMP
amarok:             END__: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const
QString&) [Took: 0s]
amarok:             BEGIN: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const
amarok:               Not a PMP
amarok:             END__: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const
QString&) [Took: 0s]
amarok:             BEGIN: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const
amarok:               Not a PMP
amarok:             END__: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const
QString&) [Took: 0s]
amarok:             BEGIN: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const
amarok:               Not a PMP
amarok:             END__: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const
QString&) [Took: 0s]
amarok:             BEGIN: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const
amarok:               Not a PMP
amarok:             END__: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const
QString&) [Took: 0s]
amarok:             BEGIN: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const
amarok:               Not a PMP
amarok:             END__: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const
QString&) [Took: 0s]
amarok:             BEGIN: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const
amarok:               Not a PMP
amarok:             END__: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const
QString&) [Took: 0s]
amarok:             BEGIN: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const
amarok:               Not a PMP
amarok:             END__: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const
QString&) [Took: 0s]
amarok:             BEGIN: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const
amarok:               Not a PMP
amarok:             END__: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const
QString&) [Took: 0s]
amarok:             BEGIN: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const
amarok:               Not a PMP
amarok:             END__: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const
QString&) [Took: 0s]
amarok:             BEGIN: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const
amarok:               Not a PMP
amarok:             END__: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const
QString&) [Took: 0s]
amarok:             BEGIN: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const
amarok:               Not a PMP
amarok:             END__: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const
QString&) [Took: 0s]
amarok:           END__: void
MediaDeviceMonitor::checkDevicesFor(ConnectionAssistant*) [Took: 0.003s]
amarok:         END__: void
MediaDeviceMonitor::registerDeviceType(ConnectionAssistant*) [Took: 0.003s]
amarok:         BEGIN: bool DatabaseUpdater::update()
amarok:           Database version:  0
amarok:           BEGIN: void DatabaseUpdater::createTables() const
amarok:           END__: void DatabaseUpdater::createTables() const [Took: 0s]
amarok:         END__: bool DatabaseUpdater::update() [Took: 0s]
amarok:         BEGIN: SqlRegistry::SqlRegistry(Collections::SqlCollection*)
amarok:         END__: SqlRegistry::SqlRegistry(Collections::SqlCollection*)
[Took: 0s]
amarok:         BEGIN: MountPointManager::MountPointManager(QObject*,
amarok:           BEGIN: void MountPointManager::createDeviceFactories()
amarok:             [MountPointManager] Initializing DeviceHandlerFactory of
type: "uuid"
amarok:             [MountPointManager] Initializing DeviceHandlerFactory of
type: "nfs"
amarok:             [MountPointManager] Initializing DeviceHandlerFactory of
type: "smb"
amarok:             BEGIN: void
MountPointManager::createHandlerFromDevice(const Solid::Device&, const
amarok:               [MountPointManager] Device added and mounted, checking
amarok:               BEGIN: virtual bool
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::canHandle(const Solid::Device&) const
amarok:               END__: virtual bool
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::canHandle(const Solid::Device&) const [Took:
amarok:               [MountPointManager] found handler for
amarok:               BEGIN: virtual DeviceHandler*
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::createHandler(const Solid::Device&, const
QString&, QSharedPointer<SqlStorage>) const
amarok:                 [WARNING] [MassStorageDeviceHandler] Inserting into
devices failed for type=uuid, uuid= "40d312aa-b263-41ff-a07e-f93c05c750d9"
amarok:               END__: virtual DeviceHandler*
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::createHandler(const Solid::Device&, const
QString&, QSharedPointer<SqlStorage>) const [Took: 0s]
amarok:               [MountPointManager] Factory  "uuid" could not create
device handler
amarok:             END__: void
MountPointManager::createHandlerFromDevice(const Solid::Device&, const
QString&) [Took: 0s]
amarok:             BEGIN: void
MountPointManager::createHandlerFromDevice(const Solid::Device&, const
amarok:               [MountPointManager] Device added and mounted, checking
amarok:               BEGIN: virtual bool
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::canHandle(const Solid::Device&) const
amarok:               END__: virtual bool
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::canHandle(const Solid::Device&) const [Took:
amarok:               [MountPointManager] found handler for
amarok:               BEGIN: virtual DeviceHandler*
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::createHandler(const Solid::Device&, const
QString&, QSharedPointer<SqlStorage>) const
amarok:                 [MassStorageDeviceHandler] not mounted, can't do
amarok:               END__: virtual DeviceHandler*
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::createHandler(const Solid::Device&, const
QString&, QSharedPointer<SqlStorage>) const [Took: 0s]
amarok:               [MountPointManager] Factory  "uuid" could not create
device handler
amarok:             END__: void
MountPointManager::createHandlerFromDevice(const Solid::Device&, const
QString&) [Took: 0s]
amarok:             BEGIN: void
MountPointManager::createHandlerFromDevice(const Solid::Device&, const
amarok:               [MountPointManager] Device added and mounted, checking
amarok:               BEGIN: virtual bool
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::canHandle(const Solid::Device&) const
amarok:               END__: virtual bool
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::canHandle(const Solid::Device&) const [Took:
amarok:               [MountPointManager] found handler for
amarok:               BEGIN: virtual DeviceHandler*
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::createHandler(const Solid::Device&, const
QString&, QSharedPointer<SqlStorage>) const
amarok:                 [WARNING] [MassStorageDeviceHandler] Inserting into
devices failed for type=uuid, uuid= "07c4cb20-8c38-4f68-88e7-89fce64a3032"
amarok:               END__: virtual DeviceHandler*
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::createHandler(const Solid::Device&, const
QString&, QSharedPointer<SqlStorage>) const [Took: 0s]
amarok:               [MountPointManager] Factory  "uuid" could not create
device handler
amarok:             END__: void
MountPointManager::createHandlerFromDevice(const Solid::Device&, const
QString&) [Took: 0s]
amarok:             BEGIN: void
MountPointManager::createHandlerFromDevice(const Solid::Device&, const
amarok:               [MountPointManager] Device added and mounted, checking
amarok:               BEGIN: virtual bool
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::canHandle(const Solid::Device&) const
amarok:               END__: virtual bool
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::canHandle(const Solid::Device&) const [Took:
amarok:               [MountPointManager] found handler for
amarok:               BEGIN: virtual DeviceHandler*
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::createHandler(const Solid::Device&, const
QString&, QSharedPointer<SqlStorage>) const
amarok:                 [WARNING] [MassStorageDeviceHandler] Inserting into
devices failed for type=uuid, uuid= "db63de1c-599b-42d2-ae89-9de8f628eece"
amarok:               END__: virtual DeviceHandler*
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::createHandler(const Solid::Device&, const
QString&, QSharedPointer<SqlStorage>) const [Took: 0s]
amarok:               [MountPointManager] Factory  "uuid" could not create
device handler
amarok:             END__: void
MountPointManager::createHandlerFromDevice(const Solid::Device&, const
QString&) [Took: 0s]
amarok:             BEGIN: void
MountPointManager::createHandlerFromDevice(const Solid::Device&, const
amarok:               [MountPointManager] Device added and mounted, checking
amarok:               BEGIN: virtual bool
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::canHandle(const Solid::Device&) const
amarok:               END__: virtual bool
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::canHandle(const Solid::Device&) const [Took:
amarok:               [MountPointManager] found handler for
amarok:               BEGIN: virtual DeviceHandler*
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::createHandler(const Solid::Device&, const
QString&, QSharedPointer<SqlStorage>) const
amarok:                 [WARNING] [MassStorageDeviceHandler] Inserting into
devices failed for type=uuid, uuid= "00ec005e-81ef-4551-a638-1633760ab279"
amarok:               END__: virtual DeviceHandler*
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::createHandler(const Solid::Device&, const
QString&, QSharedPointer<SqlStorage>) const [Took: 0s]
amarok:               [MountPointManager] Factory  "uuid" could not create
device handler
amarok:             END__: void
MountPointManager::createHandlerFromDevice(const Solid::Device&, const
QString&) [Took: 0s]
amarok:             BEGIN: void
MountPointManager::createHandlerFromDevice(const Solid::Device&, const
amarok:               [MountPointManager] Device added and mounted, checking
amarok:               BEGIN: virtual bool
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::canHandle(const Solid::Device&) const
amarok:                 [MassStorageDeviceHandler] volume is ignored
amarok:               END__: virtual bool
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::canHandle(const Solid::Device&) const [Took:
amarok:               [MountPointManager] Factory can't handle device
amarok:               [NfsDeviceHandler] virtual bool
NfsDeviceHandlerFactory::canHandle(const Solid::Device&) const
"/org/freedesktop/UDisks2/block_devices/nvme2n1p1" has no NetworkShare
amarok:               [MountPointManager] Factory can't handle device
amarok:               [SmbDeviceHandler] virtual bool
SmbDeviceHandlerFactory::canHandle(const Solid::Device&) const
"/org/freedesktop/UDisks2/block_devices/nvme2n1p1" has no NetworkShare
amarok:               [MountPointManager] Factory can't handle device
amarok:             END__: void
MountPointManager::createHandlerFromDevice(const Solid::Device&, const
QString&) [Took: 0s]
amarok:             BEGIN: void
MountPointManager::createHandlerFromDevice(const Solid::Device&, const
amarok:               [MountPointManager] Device added and mounted, checking
amarok:               BEGIN: virtual bool
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::canHandle(const Solid::Device&) const
amarok:               END__: virtual bool
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::canHandle(const Solid::Device&) const [Took:
amarok:               [MountPointManager] found handler for
amarok:               BEGIN: virtual DeviceHandler*
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::createHandler(const Solid::Device&, const
QString&, QSharedPointer<SqlStorage>) const
amarok:                 [WARNING] [MassStorageDeviceHandler] Inserting into
devices failed for type=uuid, uuid= "b04282ac-292f-4132-9f72-71e03f78a247"
amarok:               END__: virtual DeviceHandler*
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::createHandler(const Solid::Device&, const
QString&, QSharedPointer<SqlStorage>) const [Took: 0s]
amarok:               [MountPointManager] Factory  "uuid" could not create
device handler
amarok:             END__: void
MountPointManager::createHandlerFromDevice(const Solid::Device&, const
QString&) [Took: 0s]
amarok:             BEGIN: void
MountPointManager::createHandlerFromDevice(const Solid::Device&, const
amarok:               [MountPointManager] Device added and mounted, checking
amarok:               BEGIN: virtual bool
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::canHandle(const Solid::Device&) const
amarok:               END__: virtual bool
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::canHandle(const Solid::Device&) const [Took:
amarok:               [MountPointManager] found handler for
amarok:               BEGIN: virtual DeviceHandler*
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::createHandler(const Solid::Device&, const
QString&, QSharedPointer<SqlStorage>) const
amarok:                 [WARNING] [MassStorageDeviceHandler] Inserting into
devices failed for type=uuid, uuid= "7daee542-1a99-4e49-a10c-c2324a5f43de"
amarok:               END__: virtual DeviceHandler*
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::createHandler(const Solid::Device&, const
QString&, QSharedPointer<SqlStorage>) const [Took: 0s]
amarok:               [MountPointManager] Factory  "uuid" could not create
device handler
amarok:             END__: void
MountPointManager::createHandlerFromDevice(const Solid::Device&, const
QString&) [Took: 0s]
amarok:             BEGIN: void
MountPointManager::createHandlerFromDevice(const Solid::Device&, const
amarok:               [MountPointManager] Device added and mounted, checking
amarok:               BEGIN: virtual bool
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::canHandle(const Solid::Device&) const
amarok:               END__: virtual bool
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::canHandle(const Solid::Device&) const [Took:
amarok:               [MountPointManager] found handler for
amarok:               BEGIN: virtual DeviceHandler*
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::createHandler(const Solid::Device&, const
QString&, QSharedPointer<SqlStorage>) const
amarok:                 [WARNING] [MassStorageDeviceHandler] Inserting into
devices failed for type=uuid, uuid= "37bc286e-4174-4dd7-b5be-2536d1f75123"
amarok:               END__: virtual DeviceHandler*
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::createHandler(const Solid::Device&, const
QString&, QSharedPointer<SqlStorage>) const [Took: 0s]
amarok:               [MountPointManager] Factory  "uuid" could not create
device handler
amarok:             END__: void
MountPointManager::createHandlerFromDevice(const Solid::Device&, const
QString&) [Took: 0s]
amarok:             BEGIN: void
MountPointManager::createHandlerFromDevice(const Solid::Device&, const
amarok:               [MountPointManager] Device added and mounted, checking
amarok:               BEGIN: virtual bool
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::canHandle(const Solid::Device&) const
amarok:               END__: virtual bool
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::canHandle(const Solid::Device&) const [Took:
amarok:               [MountPointManager] found handler for
amarok:               BEGIN: virtual DeviceHandler*
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::createHandler(const Solid::Device&, const
QString&, QSharedPointer<SqlStorage>) const
amarok:                 [WARNING] [MassStorageDeviceHandler] Inserting into
devices failed for type=uuid, uuid= "54d29122-6113-481f-8033-d89ccd184d48"
amarok:               END__: virtual DeviceHandler*
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::createHandler(const Solid::Device&, const
QString&, QSharedPointer<SqlStorage>) const [Took: 0s]
amarok:               [MountPointManager] Factory  "uuid" could not create
device handler
amarok:             END__: void
MountPointManager::createHandlerFromDevice(const Solid::Device&, const
QString&) [Took: 0s]
amarok:             BEGIN: void
MountPointManager::createHandlerFromDevice(const Solid::Device&, const
amarok:               [MountPointManager] Device added and mounted, checking
amarok:               BEGIN: virtual bool
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::canHandle(const Solid::Device&) const
amarok:               END__: virtual bool
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::canHandle(const Solid::Device&) const [Took:
amarok:               [MountPointManager] found handler for
amarok:               BEGIN: virtual DeviceHandler*
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::createHandler(const Solid::Device&, const
QString&, QSharedPointer<SqlStorage>) const
amarok:                 [MassStorageDeviceHandler] not mounted, can't do
amarok:               END__: virtual DeviceHandler*
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::createHandler(const Solid::Device&, const
QString&, QSharedPointer<SqlStorage>) const [Took: 0s]
amarok:               [MountPointManager] Factory  "uuid" could not create
device handler
amarok:             END__: void
MountPointManager::createHandlerFromDevice(const Solid::Device&, const
QString&) [Took: 0s]
amarok:             BEGIN: void
MountPointManager::createHandlerFromDevice(const Solid::Device&, const
amarok:               [MountPointManager] Device added and mounted, checking
amarok:               BEGIN: virtual bool
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::canHandle(const Solid::Device&) const
amarok:               END__: virtual bool
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::canHandle(const Solid::Device&) const [Took:
amarok:               [MountPointManager] found handler for
amarok:               BEGIN: virtual DeviceHandler*
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::createHandler(const Solid::Device&, const
QString&, QSharedPointer<SqlStorage>) const
amarok:                 [WARNING] [MassStorageDeviceHandler] Inserting into
devices failed for type=uuid, uuid= "6e46e75d-80c9-4b0b-8b7c-426b949dac07"
amarok:               END__: virtual DeviceHandler*
MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::createHandler(const Solid::Device&, const
QString&, QSharedPointer<SqlStorage>) const [Took: 0s]
amarok:               [MountPointManager] Factory  "uuid" could not create
device handler
amarok:             END__: void
MountPointManager::createHandlerFromDevice(const Solid::Device&, const
QString&) [Took: 0s]
amarok:           END__: void MountPointManager::createDeviceFactories() [Took:
amarok:         END__: MountPointManager::MountPointManager(QObject*,
QSharedPointer<SqlStorage>) [Took: 0.003s]
amarok:         BEGIN: void
amarok:           [CollectionManager] new Collection  "localCollection"
amarok:         END__: void
CollectionManager::slotNewCollection(Collections::Collection*) [Took: 0s]
amarok:         BEGIN: ServiceBase::ServiceBase(const QString&,
ServiceFactory*, bool, const QString&)
amarok:         END__: ServiceBase::ServiceBase(const QString&,
ServiceFactory*, bool, const QString&) [Took: 0.048s]
amarok:         BEGIN: AmarokUrlHandler::AmarokUrlHandler()
amarok:           BEGIN: void BookmarkModel::checkTables()
amarok:             creating Playlist Tables
amarok:             BEGIN: void BookmarkModel::createTables()
amarok:             END__: void BookmarkModel::createTables() [Took: 0s]
amarok:           END__: void BookmarkModel::checkTables() [Took: 0s]
amarok:         END__: AmarokUrlHandler::AmarokUrlHandler() [Took: 0s]
amarok:         BEGIN: void ServicePluginManager::slotNewService(ServiceBase*)
amarok:           [ServicePluginManager] new service: "OpmlDirectory"
amarok:           ServiceBrowser starting...
amarok:           BEGIN: InfoProxy::InfoProxy()
amarok:             BEGIN: void InfoProxy::loadHomePage()
amarok:               error opening file. Error:  5
amarok:             END__: void InfoProxy::loadHomePage() [Took: 0s]
amarok:           END__: InfoProxy::InfoProxy() [Took: 0s]
amarok:         END__: void ServicePluginManager::slotNewService(ServiceBase*)
[Took: 0s]
amarok:       END__: void Plugins::PluginManager::checkPluginEnabledStates()
[Took: 0.15s]
amarok:     END__: Plugins::PluginManager::PluginManager(QObject*) [Took:
amarok:     BEGIN: void Playlist::Actions::playlistModeChanged()
amarok:       [Playlist::Actions] Dynamic mode:    false
amarok:       BEGIN: Playlist::ModelStack::ModelStack()
amarok:         BEGIN: Playlist::Model::Model(QObject*)
amarok:         END__: Playlist::Model::Model(QObject*) [Took: 0s]
amarok:       END__: Playlist::ModelStack::ModelStack() [Took: 0s]
amarok:     END__: void Playlist::Actions::playlistModeChanged() [Took: 0s]
amarok:     BEGIN: void Playlist::Actions::restoreDefaultPlaylist()
amarok:       BEGIN: KConfigSyncRelStore::KConfigSyncRelStore()
amarok:       END__: KConfigSyncRelStore::KConfigSyncRelStore() [Took: 0s]
amarok:       creating Podcast Tables
amarok:       BEGIN: void Playlists::SqlUserPlaylistProvider::checkTables()
amarok:         BEGIN: void Playlists::SqlUserPlaylistProvider::createTables()
amarok:         END__: void Playlists::SqlUserPlaylistProvider::createTables()
[Took: 0s]
amarok:       END__: void Playlists::SqlUserPlaylistProvider::checkTables()
[Took: 0s]
amarok:     END__: void Playlist::Actions::restoreDefaultPlaylist() [Took:
amarok:     BEGIN: Playlist::Controller::Controller()
amarok:     END__: Playlist::Controller::Controller() [Took: 0s]
amarok:     BEGIN: Playlist::LayoutManager::LayoutManager()
amarok:       BEGIN: void Playlist::LayoutManager::loadLayouts(const QString&,
amarok:         file  "/DefaultPlaylistLayouts.xml" does not exist
amarok:       END__: void Playlist::LayoutManager::loadLayouts(const QString&,
bool) [Took: 0s]
amarok:     END__: Playlist::LayoutManager::LayoutManager() [Took: 0s]
amarok:     BEGIN: MainToolbar::MainToolbar(QWidget*)
amarok:       BEGIN: SvgHandler::SvgHandler(QObject*)
amarok:       END__: SvgHandler::SvgHandler(QObject*) [Took: 0s]
QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified
amarok:       [ERROR__] Unable to open file:  ""
amarok:       [SvgHandler] Bluddy 'ell mateys, aye canna' load ya Ess Vee Gee
at  ""
QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified
amarok:       [ERROR__] Unable to open file:  ""
amarok:       [SvgHandler] Bluddy 'ell mateys, aye canna' load ya Ess Vee Gee
at  ""
amarok:     END__: MainToolbar::MainToolbar(QWidget*) [Took: 0.001s]
amarok:     BEGIN: void Context::AppletLoader::findApplets()
amarok:       [AppletLoader] Number of applets found: 0
amarok:       [WARNING] [AppletLoader] No applets found
amarok:     END__: void Context::AppletLoader::findApplets() [Took: 0s]
amarok:     BEGIN: void Context::AppletModel::newApplets(const
amarok:     END__: void Context::AppletModel::newApplets(const
QList<KPluginMetaData>&) [Took: 0s]
amarok:     BEGIN: Context::ContextView::ContextView(QWidget*)
ASSERT: "qmlPackage.isValid()" in file
/usr/src/amarok/amarok/src/context/ContextView.cpp, line 78
44 -- exe=/usr/src/amarok/amarok/build/bin/amarok
13 -- platform=xcb
11 -- display=:0
15 -- appname=amarok
41 -- apppath=/usr/src/amarok/amarok/build/bin
9 -- signal=6
12 -- pid=1264494
21 -- appversion=3.0.0-git
19 -- programname=Amarok
31 --
KCrash: crashing... crashRecursionCounter = 2
KCrash: Application Name = amarok path = /usr/src/amarok/amarok/build/bin pid =
KCrash: Arguments: /usr/src/amarok/amarok/build/bin/amarok --debug
KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/drkonqi
kf.config.core: "KConfigIni: In file
/usr/share/desktop-base/kf5-settings/kdeglobals, line 1: " Invalid entry
(missing '=')
kf.config.core: "KConfigIni: In file
/home/ei2pee/.config/kdedefaults/kdeglobals, line 1: " Invalid entry (empty
kf.config.core: "KConfigIni: In file
/home/ei2pee/.config/kdedefaults/kdeglobals, line 1: " Invalid entry (missing
pa_write() failed while trying to wake up the mainloop: Bad file descriptor
pa_write() failed while trying to wake up the mainloop: Bad file descriptor
pa_write() failed while trying to wake up the mainloop: Bad file descriptor
[2]  + 1264494 suspended (signal)  ./bin/amarok --debug

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