Dmitry Kazakov <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
      Latest Commit| |
                   |hics/krita/-/commit/1079c7f |hics/krita/-/commit/4ded66b
                   |1f7e32aace1fcf7a5155d2841ca |083057cb4e574f2f21159a19279
                   |25ab7e                      |d7da49

--- Comment #7 from Dmitry Kazakov <> ---
Git commit 4ded66b083057cb4e574f2f21159a19279d7da49 by Dmitry Kazakov.
Committed on 10/04/2024 at 16:12.
Pushed by dkazakov into branch 'krita/5.2'.

Fix activation of the node on opening .kra document

Since KisDummiesFacadeBase::setImage() is now executed asyncronously
the node activation that used to happen in KisView::slotLoadingFinished()
now doesn't work anymore. Hence we should just instruct
KisDummiesFacadeBase::setImage() itself, which node it should activate
at the end of image loading into dummies graph.

(cherry picked from commit 1079c7f1f7e32aace1fcf7a5155d2841ca25ab7e)

M  +2    -2    libs/ui/KisDocument.cpp
M  +1    -1    libs/ui/KisDocument.h
M  +0    -11   libs/ui/KisView.cpp
M  +10   -1    libs/ui/flake/kis_dummies_facade_base.cpp
M  +2    -1    libs/ui/flake/kis_dummies_facade_base.h
M  +2    -2    libs/ui/flake/kis_shape_controller.cpp
M  +2    -1    libs/ui/flake/kis_shape_controller.h
M  +22   -2    libs/ui/tests/kis_dummies_facade_base_test.cpp
M  +1    -0    libs/ui/tests/kis_dummies_facade_base_test.h
M  +3    -4    plugins/impex/kra/kra_import.cpp
M  +2    -4    plugins/impex/ora/

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