--- Comment #5 from Nikolai Krasheninnikov <> ---
(In reply to Aldo Latino from comment #4)
> In the meantime, I found an interesting thing. In Dolphin, if you activate
> the option to show your home as starting directory when you open a new
> instance of Dolphin, the green check marks don't appear over the files in a
> directory under Git control. If you setup another directory (e.g,
> /home/user/Desktop), the green check marks appear. And they appear also if
> you leave active the first option to remember last opened directory and tabs.
> In other words, if in dolphinrc config file we have these options together:
> HomeUrl=/home/aldo/any-folder
> RememberOpenedTabs=false
> the green check marks appear.
> If we have this option only without "HomeUrl"
> RememberOpenedTabs=false
> the green check marks don't appear.
> Can you confirm this behavior?

Cannot reproduce :(
What I am trying is:
1. open a Dolphin, enable SVN and GIT plugins
2. in the same instance check save state from last time on startup
3. close Dolphin, open new instance, badges are there

I also tried modifying dolphinrc as described, nothing changed, badges are
Maybe we closed this one too quickly.
I am on current master.

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