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--- Comment #8 from ---
I just tried Krita 3.0.91 on OSX 10.11.6 and also see the problems mentioned
-greyed out menuitems are invisible, 'preserve alpha' button is empty
-pen pressure is not working (wacom intuos pro), 
-keyboard shortcuts do not show up in the preferences, but most seem to work,
-'e' shortcut to switch a brush into eraser mode does not work.

Krita does not show these issues. This version is pretty usable for me
despite some minor problems:
-it's not possible to overwrite brush presets
-invoking the hud with wacom intuos pro immediately changes the color or the
brush, whatever is under the cursor position
-v shortcut switches to random(?) tools and back
-fast drawn circles turn to polygons after some time of using krita (not
-height and width of the tooltabs on the right are not adjustable 
-sometimes brushes change not correctly, some settings stay the same
-I really cannot figure out how to get the eraser on the stylus working?

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