Marco Martin <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
      Latest Commit| |
                   |ma/libplasma/-/commit/98816 |ma/libplasma/-/commit/800ab
                   |1d805526a527bf96a94af066757 |725a6e72621ca81e0952d951b5a
                   |774c552b                    |5ed1061a

--- Comment #8 from Marco Martin <> ---
Git commit 800ab725a6e72621ca81e0952d951b5a5ed1061a by Marco Martin.
Committed on 06/03/2024 at 09:35.
Pushed by mart into branch 'Plasma/6.0'.

Remove old focus workaround

There was a workaround for an old bug (372476) that fixed the focus
to the FullRepresentation item, but some applets wanted focus not on
the root fullrepresentation item but on some descendant.

For instance it breaks the calculator plasmoid keyboard input.
Reverting that workaround on Plasma6 the original bug doesn't happen

M  +0    -8    src/plasmaquick/plasmoid/plasmoiditem.cpp

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