
           What    |Removed                     |Added
         Resolution|---                         |NOT A BUG
             Status|REPORTED                    |RESOLVED

--- Comment #4 from ---
(In reply to Henning from comment #3)
> I can sometimes reproduce this but not often. I dont know when this happens
> but it still did.
> I dont know what "pressing Ctrl+V before pasting" means, as Ctrl+V should
> paste
> I could not reproduce this when pressing "Ctrl+Shift+V" or "Ctrl+V" on Fokus
> timer, and then pasting into Konsole. But I had this issue some days ago

Well in your original report you mentioned that you were using Ctrl+Shift+V to
paste. Ctrl+V does not always mean paste.
For example, if you are using bash, this means verbatim insert [0]. Hence, if
you are using bash, and you first press Ctrl+V, and then press Ctrl+Shift+V,
you will see "![[~200~" before and "~" after the inserted command. And this is
intended behavior of bash.

So I am closing this as not a bug, since the mentioned behavior seems to be
intended behavior of bash.


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