Harald Sitter <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
         Resolution|---                         |FIXED
             Status|REPORTED                    |RESOLVED
      Latest Commit|                            |
                   |                            |ma/discover/-/commit/2e52e7
                   |                            |c9aa44ca1b3f5009fd7e6daf66f
                   |                            |c8d31a6

--- Comment #9 from Harald Sitter <> ---
Git commit 2e52e7c9aa44ca1b3f5009fd7e6daf66fc8d31a6 by Harald Sitter.
Committed on 06/10/2023 at 13:14.
Pushed by sitter into branch 'master'.

packagekit: hold stream in a qpointer

there is a very awkward race condition involving streams during
initialization. if any of the (KNS) backends fail to initialize and
become invalid they will eventually trigger
`ResourcesModel::callerFetchingChanged` which will discard the now
invalid backends and emit `backendsChanged` which will trigger
`ResourcesProxyModel::invalidateFilter` which then may end up deleting
the current stream

    if (m_currentStream) {
qCWarning(LIBDISCOVER_LOG) << "last stream isn't over yet" <<
m_filters << this;
        delete m_currentStream;

this is in so far problematic as we "schedule" lambda executions in the
packagekit backend (most prominently in `PackageKitBackend::search`)
with lambdas that hold the stream. these lambdas will eventually run on
since-deleted stream objects and best case fall into a nullptr but more
regularly just fall into a ditch of random memory until undefined
behavior bites us
Related: bug 465711, bug 473921

M  +31   -8    libdiscover/backends/PackageKitBackend/PackageKitBackend.cpp

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