Phani Pavan K <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |

--- Comment #9 from Phani Pavan K <> ---
My Proposal:

P1. The "+New" button appears and is enabled if (valid number is present in the
search bar) AND (connected devices with sms capab is more than ZERO): Tooltip
says what it says right now
P2. The "+New" button appears but is greyed if (valid number is present in
search bar) AND (connected devices equal to ZERO): Tooltip says "No Devices
P3. The "+New" button doesn't appear otherwise, i.e. if (number in search bar
is not valid).

Additional Enhancements:

A1. "+New" changes to "Open" if the number is already present in sms list

Q1. Is "+" necessary in "+New"?

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