Tobias Fella <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
      Latest Commit|                            |
                   |                            |ork/neochat/-/commit/c55b40
                   |                            |c9c6515a5af8f535a610f1067d4
                   |                            |d758864
         Resolution|---                         |FIXED
             Status|CONFIRMED                   |RESOLVED

--- Comment #1 from Tobias Fella <> ---
Git commit c55b40c9c6515a5af8f535a610f1067d4d758864 by Tobias Fella, on behalf
of James Graham.
Committed on 08/07/2023 at 11:07.
Pushed by tfella into branch 'master'.

Media Model

Create a media model for all the media message in the timeline and then setup
`NeoChatMaximizeComponent` so that it can use the media model to scroll through
all loaded images and video in the current room.

Depends upon libraries/kirigami-addons!105

M  +1    -0    src/CMakeLists.txt
M  +2    -0    src/main.cpp
M  +1    -0    src/models/collapsestateproxymodel.h
A  +79   -0    src/models/mediamessagefiltermodel.cpp     [License: LGPL(3+eV)
GPL(v3.0) GPL(v2.0)]
A  +56   -0    src/models/mediamessagefiltermodel.h     [License: LGPL(3+eV)
GPL(v3.0) GPL(v2.0)]
M  +1    -1    src/models/messageeventmodel.cpp
M  +44   -36   src/qml/Component/NeochatMaximizeComponent.qml
M  +1    -23   src/qml/Component/Timeline/ImageDelegate.qml
M  +3    -3    src/qml/Component/Timeline/TimelineContainer.qml
M  +1    -21   src/qml/Component/Timeline/VideoDelegate.qml
M  +28   -4    src/qml/Component/TimelineView.qml

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