David Edmundson <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
      Latest Commit| |
                   |ma/kwin/-/commit/d8029e461e |ma/kwin/-/commit/2131c9beed
                   |e115ac339f3d7b2062f01ec9c46 |0efb723b51781af7095466bd6c8
                   |c40                         |06e

--- Comment #5 from David Edmundson <> ---
Git commit 2131c9beed0efb723b51781af7095466bd6c806e by David Edmundson.
Committed on 08/07/2023 at 10:33.
Pushed by davidedmundson into branch 'Plasma/5.27'.

x11: Sync frame extents in X11 native pixels

Frame extents are written out over the wire they should be in X11 native

i.e if we are using 200% scaling, and have X11 clients scale themselves
then from the point of view of the client reading the properties the
window decorations are twice the size as normal.

(cherry picked from commit d8029e461ee115ac339f3d7b2062f01ec9c46c40)

M  +4    -4    src/x11window.cpp

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