--- Comment #4 from Benjamin Watson <> ---
Thank you, I understand. If this were to be achieved, the app would be a lot of

获取Outlook for Android<>
From: Urs Fleisch <>
Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2023 3:05:22 AM
To: <>
Subject: [kid3] [Bug 471316] Share audio to editor for editing.

--- Comment #3 from Urs Fleisch <> ---
Thanks for the report. I think that I understand the feature. However, the
implementation might not be as easy as it seems. Kid3 is a cross plattform
application, therefore it is written in C++ with the Qt framework. It is
relying on 3rd party libraries which require a real file system and not the
Storage Access Framework, where Google is pushing its apps more and more with
every release. At the moment I can still target SDK 28 to avoid scoped storage,
but from what I read when googling "qt android share" about sharing in Qt apps
"there's no way to share Files on Android without using a FileProvider" and
"share files that can be stored under the app's private storage", which does
not seem to be useful at all. Probably sharing real files would only be
possible with apps which have target API level 28 or below, which would not be
a lot.

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