Joshua Goins <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
         Resolution|---                         |FIXED
             Status|ASSIGNED                    |RESOLVED
   Version Fixed In|                            |5.27.6
      Latest Commit|                            |
                   |                            |ma/discover/-/commit/a07f6a
                   |                            |9c77aae757d4cc72639fc7bf41f
                   |                            |28b5018

--- Comment #2 from Joshua Goins <> ---
Git commit a07f6a9c77aae757d4cc72639fc7bf41f28b5018 by Joshua Goins, on behalf
of Nate Graham.
Committed on 29/05/2023 at 03:14.
Pushed by ngraham into branch 'master'.

ApplicationPage: make heading/short description text selectable

The main text is already selectable, and the heading/short description
text is used to display the package path for locally-downloaded
packages, which make sense to be able to select. So for those reasons,
make it also selectable.

This entails porting away from Kirigami.Heading and using
Kirigami.SelectableLabel, which means we need to do a small amount of
work to match the visual styling and accessibility metadata that were
previously provided by Kirigami.Heading.
FIXED-IN: 5.27.6

M  +12   -5    discover/qml/ApplicationPage.qml

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