Zamundaaa <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
      Latest Commit| |
                   |ma/kwin/commit/81571203f12c |ma/kwin/commit/e2a082594a85
                   |3fbd8c7cb8bc6446587a43d3895 |61a7228cfe2d6cf8020fd4c85b6
                   |b                           |a

--- Comment #5 from Zamundaaa <> ---
Git commit e2a082594a8561a7228cfe2d6cf8020fd4c85b6a by Xaver Hugl.
Committed on 20/02/2023 at 19:32.
Pushed by zamundaaa into branch 'Plasma/5.27'.

cursorsource: fix scaling with Xwayland

Before this commit, the device pixel ratio of the cursor was set to ignore
the Xwayland scale override, while the size of the cursor surface was scaled.
This change removes the scaling of the cursor surface size, to make the cursor
be no longer cut off in rendering.

(cherry picked from commit 81571203f12c3fbd8c7cb8bc6446587a43d3895b)

M  +6    -1    src/cursorsource.cpp

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