Lee Zhen Yong <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|CONFIRMED                   |RESOLVED
         Resolution|---                         |FIXED

--- Comment #6 from Lee Zhen Yong <> ---
Cool. That fixes it!

"you expect the background color-picker to behave exactly like the foreground

Shouldn't it? I'm not so sure. I'm actually pretty new to Krita in addition to
the source code.

Another stuffs I noticed are minor:
- the color picker still updates the color when I choose "cancel". Not sure if
that's suppose to happen.
- when I select a new color the color picker should show a comparison between
the new and old color. The old color will always change to white or black
depending whether I am changing the foreground or background.
- KoDualColorButton's foreground color updates as the color picker is selecting
a new color, but the same doesn't apply for KoDualColorButton's background

Sorry I'm putting it all in a single comment. Lazy to open another bug report.

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