
           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|NEEDSINFO                   |REPORTED
         Resolution|WAITINGFORINFO              |---

--- Comment #12 from ---

xwininfo: Please select the window about which you
          would like information by clicking the
          mouse in that window.

xwininfo: Window id: 0x5200002 "gamescope"

  Absolute upper-left X:  5981
  Absolute upper-left Y:  0
  Relative upper-left X:  0
  Relative upper-left Y:  0
  Width: 3840
  Height: 2160
  Depth: 24
  Visual: 0x6b
  Visual Class: DirectColor
  Border width: 0
  Class: InputOutput
  Colormap: 0x5200001 (installed)
  Bit Gravity State: ForgetGravity
  Window Gravity State: NorthWestGravity
  Backing Store State: NotUseful
  Save Under State: no
  Map State: IsViewable
  Override Redirect State: no
  Corners:  +5981+0  -0+0  -0-216  +5981-216
  -geometry 3840x2160-0+0

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