--- Comment #8 from ali_deda <> --- пример 2020год 1. i 2. januar (sre-čet) Nova godina neradni dani 7. januar (uto) Božić neradni dan 27. januar (pon) Sveti Sava praznuje se radno 15, 16. i 17. februar* (sub-pon) Dan državnosti neradni dani 29. mart (ned) Letnje računanje vremena (pomeranjem za jedan čas unapred sa 2h na 3h) 10, 11, 12. i 13. april (pet-pon) Uskršnji praznici (za katolike i pripadnike drugih hrišćanskih verskih zajednica) neradni dani 17, 18, 19. i 20. april (pet-pon) Vaskršnji praznici (za pravoslavce) neradni dani 22. april (sre) Dan sećanja na žrtve holokausta, genocida i drugih žrtava fašizma u Drugom svetskom ratu praznuje se radno 1. i 2. maj (pet-sub) Praznik rada neradni dani 9. maj (sub) Dan pobede praznuje se radno 24. maj (ned) Prvi dan Ramazanskog bajrama (za pripadnike islamske zajednice) neradni dan 28. jun (ned) Vidovdan praznuje se radno 31. jul (pet) Prvi dan Kurbanskog bajrama (za pripadnike islamske zajednice) neradni dan 28. septembar (pon) Jom Kipur (za pripadnike jevrejske zajednice) neradni dan 21. oktobar (sre) Dan sećanja na srpske žrtve u Drugom svetskom ratu praznuje se radno 25. oktobar (ned) Zimsko računanje vremena (pomeranjem za jedan čas unazad sa 3h na 2h) 11. novembar (sre) Dan primirja u Prvom svetskom ratu neradni dan 25. decembar (pet) Prvi dan Božića (za katolike i pripadnike drugih hrišćanskih verskih zajednica) neradni dan * Ako jedan od datuma kada se praznuju državni praznici Republike Srbije padne u nedelju, ne radi se prvog narednog radnog dana. January 1st and 2nd (Wednesday-Thursday) New Year non-working days January 7 (Tuesday) Christmas day non-working day January 27 (Mon) Saint Sava is celebrated on a working day February 15, 16 and 17* (Sat-Mon) National Day, non-working days March 29 (Sun) Daylight saving time (by moving one hour forward from 2h to 3h) April 10, 11, 12 and 13 (Fri-Mon) Easter holidays (for Catholics and members of other Christian religious communities) non-working days April 17, 18, 19 and 20 (Fri-Mon) Easter holidays (for Orthodox Christians) non-working days April 22 (Wed) The Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust, Genocide and Other Victims of Fascism in the Second World War is celebrated at work May 1 and 2 (Fri-Sat) Labor Day non-working days May 9 (Sat) Victory Day is celebrated at work May 24 (Sun) The first day of Eid al-Fitr (for members of the Islamic community) is a non-working day June 28 (Sun) Vidovdan is celebrated at work July 31 (Fri) First day of Kurban Bayram (for members of the Islamic community) non-working day September 28 (Mon) Yom Kippur (for members of the Jewish community) non-working day October 21 (Wed) Day of Remembrance of Serbian Victims in the Second World War is celebrated at work October 25 (Sun) Winter time (by moving one hour back from 3h to 2h) November 11 (Wed) World War I Armistice Day non-working day December 25 (Fri) First day of Christmas (for Catholics and members of other Christian religious communities) non-working day * If one of the dates on which public holidays of the Republic of Serbia are celebrated falls on a Sunday, it is not done on the first following working day. -- You are receiving this mail because: You are watching all bug changes.