--- Comment #2 from Milian Wolff <> --- We put the declarations of the template type parameters into the parent context, which confuses our lookup. The solution would be to wrap those into their own context, and then import that one into the ClassTemplate context. Or maybe put them directly into the class template. clang gives us: AST tree successfully generated ClassDecl (4) | type: "Foo" (105) | display: "Foo" | loc: tests/files/bug367893.cpp@[(1,1),(1,10)] | sp-name-range: [(1,7),(1,10)] | isDecl ClassTemplate (31) | display: "Bar<Foo>" | loc: tests/files/bug367893.cpp@[(2,1),(2,33)] | sp-name-range: [(2,30),(2,33)] | isDecl TemplateTypeParameter (27) | type: "Foo" (1) | canonical type: "type-parameter-0-0" (1) | display: "Foo" | loc: tests/files/bug367893.cpp@[(2,10),(2,22)] | sp-name-range: [(2,19),(2,22)] | isDecl ClassDecl (4) | type: "Foo" (105) | display: "Foo" | loc: tests/files/bug367893.cpp@[(4,1),(4,26)] | sp-name-range: [(4,7),(4,10)] | isDecl CXXMethod (21) | type: "void ()" (111) | display: "foo()" | loc: tests/files/bug367893.cpp@[(4,13),(4,23)] | sp-name-range: [(4,18),(4,21)] | isDecl CXXMethod (21) | type: "void ()" (111) | display: "foo()" | loc: tests/files/bug367893.cpp@[(6,1),(6,21)] | sp-name-range: [(6,11),(6,14)] | isDecl TypeRef (43) | type: "Foo" (105) | display: "class Foo" | loc: tests/files/bug367893.cpp@[(6,6),(6,9)] | sp-name-range: [(6,6),(6,9)] | isUse CompoundStmt (202) | loc: tests/files/bug367893.cpp@[(6,17),(6,21)] | sp-name-range: [(0,0),(0,0)] no problems encountered during parsing we build: Top-Context "Global" (owner: 0x0 ) 0x7f3fcc004460 "" [ "" ] [ (0, 0) -> (2147483647, 2147483647) ] "/tmp/testfile_Bh5300.cpp" Declaration: "Foo" [ "Foo" ] 0x7f3fcc04a400 (internal ctx: 0x0 ) [ (1, 14) -> (1, 17) ] , no definition, 1 use(s). File: "/tmp/testfile_Bh5300.cpp" Use: [ (6, 13) -> (6, 16) ] Declaration: "Foo Foo" [ "Foo" ] 0x7f3fcc086f60 (internal ctx: 0x0 ) [ (2, 26) -> (2, 29) ] , no definition, 1 use(s). File: "/tmp/testfile_Bh5300.cpp" Use: [ (6, 13) -> (6, 16) ] Declaration: "Bar" [ "Bar" ] 0x7f3fcc086e40 (internal ctx: 0x0 ) [ (2, 37) -> (2, 40) ] , no definition, 0 use(s). Declaration: "class Foo" [ "Foo" ] 0x7f3fcc0873a0 (internal ctx: 0x7f3fcc072cb0 ) [ (4, 14) -> (4, 17) ] , defined, 1 use(s). File: "/tmp/testfile_Bh5300.cpp" Use: [ (6, 13) -> (6, 16) ] Context "Class" (owner: 0x7f3fcc0873a0 ) 0x7f3fcc072cb0 "Foo" [ "Foo" ] [ (4, 8) -> (4, 33) ] "" 1 Declarations, 1 child-contexts Context "Function" (owner: 0x7f3fcc087e90 ) 0x7f3fcc086e10 "foo" [ "Foo::foo" ] [ (4, 20) -> (4, 30) ] "" 0 Declarations, 0 child-contexts Context "Helper" (owner: 0x0 ) 0x7f3fcc087010 "Foo" [ "Foo" ] [ (6, 8) -> (6, 28) ] "" 1 Declarations, 1 child-contexts Context "Function" (owner: 0x7f3fcc0879c0 ) 0x7f3fcc087a00 "foo" [ "Foo::foo" ] [ (6, 8) -> (6, 28) ] "" 0 Declarations, 1 child-contexts Context "Other" (owner: 0x0 ) 0x7f3fcc0a2170 "" [ "Foo::foo" ] [ (6, 24) -> (6, 28) ] "" 0 Declarations, 0 child-contexts -- You are receiving this mail because: You are watching all bug changes.