--- Comment #40 from Marcus Larborg <> ---
Operativsystem: KDE neon 5.25
Version av KDE Plasma: 5.25.5
Version av KDE Ramverk: 5.98.0
Qt-version: 5.15.6
Kärnans version: 5.15.0-48-generic (64-bitar)
Grafikplattform: Wayland
Processorer: 4 × Intel® Core™ i5-4200U CPU @ 1.60GHz
Minne: 7,3 Gibyte minne
Grafikprocessor: Mesa Intel® HD Graphics 4400
Tillverkare: Dell Inc.
Produktnamn: XPS13 9333

I have the same issue.
Not sure when this started, but have this issue with another user on the same
Tested to create a new user, but the issue persist.

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