Alexander Lohnau <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
         Resolution|---                         |FIXED
             Status|ASSIGNED                    |RESOLVED
   Version Fixed In|                            |5.26
      Latest Commit|                            |
                   |                            |ma/plasma-workspace/commit/
                   |                            |6853365755fa40e2199b4856e28
                   |                            |38735a1b1add4

--- Comment #10 from Alexander Lohnau <> ---
Git commit 6853365755fa40e2199b4856e2838735a1b1add4 by Alexander Lohnau.
Committed on 24/09/2022 at 05:46.
Pushed by alex into branch 'master'.

Remove entries from favorites when desktop file was deleted

When the KSycoca database changes, we re-evaluate if our app still exists and
update the internal service.
The model checks the validity of each of the entires and removes ones that
became invalid.

Based on my testing it seemed like one had to type any query to make sure that
the databaseChanged signal is emitted.

Test Plan:
`printf "[Desktop Entry]\nIcon=firefox\nName=DelmeFirefox\nExec=notify-send bla
bla" >~/.local/share/applications/delmefirefox.desktop`
Add the entry to the favourites
`rm ~/.local/share/applications/delmefirefox.desktop`
Make sure it does not appear in the search
Make sure the favorite is removed
FIXED-IN: 5.26

M  +18   -10   applets/kicker/plugin/appentry.cpp
M  +16   -0    applets/kicker/plugin/kastatsfavoritesmodel.cpp

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