Albert Astals Cid <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
         Resolution|---                         |FIXED
   Version Fixed In|                            |5.99
      Latest Commit|                            |
                   |                            |eworks/ki18n/commit/af2fda2
                   |                            |ba4ca4b922f6045765a65f44b8f
                   |                            |a34410
             Status|ASSIGNED                    |RESOLVED

--- Comment #2 from Albert Astals Cid <> ---
Git commit af2fda2ba4ca4b922f6045765a65f44b8fa34410 by Albert Astals Cid, on
behalf of Chusslove Illich (Часлав Илић).
Committed on 18/09/2022 at 19:12.
Pushed by aacid into branch 'master'.

Really support :usagetip cue

On switch from kdelibs4 to KF5, the :tipoftheday cue to @info marker
was deprecated in documentation in favor of new :usagetip cue.
However the :usagetip cue was never actually added to the code.
So it is added now.
FIXED-IN: 5.99

M  +4    -2    src/i18n/kuitmarkup.cpp

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