Marco Martin <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|ASSIGNED                    |RESOLVED
         Resolution|---                         |FIXED
      Latest Commit| |
                   |ma/kwin/commit/f432ba7821ce |ma/kwin/commit/31d1f885ce18
                   |a2302d040c8bfc7e3cb7d954087 |4b54690d44c5fcd4bb7384f6f0a
                   |4                           |3

--- Comment #21 from Marco Martin <> ---
Git commit 31d1f885ce184b54690d44c5fcd4bb7384f6f0a3 by Marco Martin.
Committed on 07/09/2022 at 10:16.
Pushed by mart into branch 'master'.

Restore the crossfade effect

This enables again the crossfade between the old window picture and the new one
in the maximize and morphingpopup effects.
It does that with the OffScreenEffect redirect() feature.
Related: bug 435423

M  +1    -0    autotests/integration/effects/maximize_animation_test.cpp
M  +22   -0    src/effects.cpp
M  +1    -0    src/effects.h
M  +10   -22   src/effects/blendchanges/blendchanges.cpp
M  +3    -3    src/effects/blendchanges/blendchanges.h
M  +25   -12   src/effects/maximize/package/contents/code/maximize.js
M  +23   -17  
M  +2    -0    src/events.cpp
M  +2    -0    src/internalwindow.cpp
M  +12   -5    src/libkwineffects/kwinanimationeffect.cpp
M  +1    -1    src/libkwineffects/kwinanimationeffect.h
M  +29   -0    src/libkwineffects/kwineffects.h
M  +156  -51   src/libkwineffects/kwinoffscreeneffect.cpp
M  +46   -13   src/libkwineffects/kwinoffscreeneffect.h
M  +1    -0    src/window.cpp
M  +6    -0    src/window.h
M  +1    -0    src/x11window.cpp
M  +2    -0    src/xdgshellwindow.cpp

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