Nate Graham <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
         Resolution|---                         |FIXED
      Latest Commit|                            |
                   |                            |imedia/elisa/commit/220c110
                   |                            |b2f8e78de9b86aa9178a54a5d24
                   |                            |66ad47
             Status|ASSIGNED                    |RESOLVED
   Version Fixed In|                            |22.12

--- Comment #6 from Nate Graham <> ---
Git commit 220c110b2f8e78de9b86aa9178a54a5d2466ad47 by Nate Graham, on behalf
of Yerrey Dev.
Committed on 26/08/2022 at 10:09.
Pushed by ngraham into branch 'master'.

Support saving playlist with relative paths

Adds the support for saving playlists with relative paths in cases where
the music files are located in the same folder as the playlist to be saved.
This setting is "Prefer relative paths" by default as that seems to be
common with most music players.

A new persistent config `alwaysUseAbsolutePlaylistPaths` is created, which
is then checked in `MediaPlayListProxyModel::savePlaylist`. With a false
value, music files in the same folder as the playlist are pathed with just
the filename, otherwise with absolute paths. With a true value an absolute
path is always used.
FIXED-IN: 22.12

M  +7    -0    src/elisa_core.kcfg
M  +16   -0    src/localFileConfiguration/elisaconfigurationdialog.cpp
M  +16   -0    src/localFileConfiguration/elisaconfigurationdialog.h
M  +22   -4    src/mediaplaylistproxymodel.cpp
M  +27   -0    src/qml/SettingsForm.qml

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