--- Comment #5 from ---
(In reply to Nate Graham from comment #4)
> Can you do this:
> 1. Restart kwin with `kwin_x11 --replace` in a terminal window
> 2. In another terminal window, run `qdbus org.kde.kglobalaccel
> /component/kwin invokeShortcut "ExposeAll`
> 3. Go back to the first terminal window and see the text output; post it here

Hello Nathan,
`kwin_x11 --replace`  helped me a lot.

The output was:
>kwin_x11 --replace                                                             
>                        ✔ 
>kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: inet:323:58: unrecognized keysym "XF86EmojiPicker"
>kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: inet:324:58: unrecognized keysym "XF86Dictate"
>qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 2109, resource 
>id: 106954788, major code: 3 (GetWindowAttributes), minor code: 0
>qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 2110, 
>resource id: 106954788, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
>qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 2121, resource 
>id: 106954792, major code: 3 (GetWindowAttributes), minor code: 0
>qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 2122, 
>resource id: 106954792, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
>kwin_platform_x11_standalone: Compositing disabled: video driver seems 
>unstable. If you think it's a false positive, please remove  "OpenGLIsUnsafe"  
>from [Compositing] in kwinrc and restart kwin.
>kwin_core: Compositing is not possible

I googled the error message a bit and went into: Settings > Display and Monitor
> Compositor
Over there I saw a big warning looking exactly like this one:

I clicked on `Re-enabling OpenGL detection` used `kwin_x11 --replace` again and
now everthing works now.

The output of `kwin_x11 --replace`  changed into this now:
>kwin_x11 --replace                                                             
>             ✔   8m 38s 
>qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 180, resource 
>id: 6291466, major code: 20 (GetProperty), minor code: 0
>qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 181, resource 
>id: 6291466, major code: 20 (GetProperty), minor code: 0
>kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: inet:323:58: unrecognized keysym "XF86EmojiPicker"
>kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: inet:324:58: unrecognized keysym "XF86Dictate"
>qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 2795, resource 
>id: 6291492, major code: 3 (GetWindowAttributes), minor code: 0
>qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 2796, 
>resource id: 6291492, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
>qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 2820, resource 
>id: 6291504, major code: 3 (GetWindowAttributes), minor code: 0
>qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 2821, 
>resource id: 6291504, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
>qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 2832, resource 
>id: 6291507, major code: 3 (GetWindowAttributes), minor code: 0
>OpenGL vendor string:                   NVIDIA Corporation
>OpenGL renderer string:                 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB/PCIe/SSE2
>OpenGL version string:                  3.1.0 NVIDIA 515.57
>OpenGL shading language version string: 1.40 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
>Driver:                                 NVIDIA
>Driver version:                         515.57
>GPU class:                              Unknown
>OpenGL version:                         3.1
>GLSL version:                           1.40
>X server version:                       1.21.1
>Linux kernel version:                   5.18.15
>Requires strict binding:                no
>GLSL shaders:                           yes
>Texture NPOT support:                   yes
>Virtual Machine:                        no
>QObject::connect(KWin::InputMethod, KWin::EffectsHandlerImpl): invalid nullptr 

I am using a Nvidia GPU. 
I guess my issue is solved for now although I still don't know why it happened
in the first place.

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