
           What    |Removed                     |Added
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--- Comment #8 from ---
As an every-10-minutes user of the Desktop Grid for quite a while, the effect
is effectively broken for me in 5.25 due to the inconsistent animation speed
relative to all other existing Kwin effects. The Zoom duration (formerly an
exposed property in settings pre-refactor) does NOT match the global slider,
and neither do the Windowheap arrangements. This is not a placebo, users here
have already demonstrated with high-framerate recordings that mirror my own
experience (X11 on 144hz monitors). 

The goal of the QML rewrite at
is to "be a change as transparent as possible for the user", and this animation
mismatch goes against that description. For the Desktop Grid in particular,
<5.22 had a fully featured grid effect and system-matching transitions, before
animation bugs were introduced in 5.23. Shouldn't that experience be the
example that the Deskop Grid's QML refactor intends to replace? It takes a
little time to smooth things out in refactors, this and other issues shouldn't
be dismissed out of hand! 

With this attached band-aid of a patch built on 5.25.2, the Desktop Grid+window
transitions almost convince me that I am back on the 5.22-era grid (outside of
other reported bugs with window layout). I have been pleased with this
adjustment for a full work week, and I encourage anyone willing to try the
patch and adjust the values for themselves to see if we can dig up what's going
on. I've been comparing against the "Slide Back" Kwin window effect that does
honor the global speed slider. 

I hope this helps to uncover an underlying issue that fixes all of the new
effect durations at once. A quick fix for the Overview effect may work the same
way, but I only use the Desktop Grid in day-to-day so that is the only
component I focused on, and this patch is only to demonstrate that the
animation duration can be adjusted to match the global animation experience,
that the issue is not just in our heads. This problem needs to be considered
across the board for these effects, as users like myself very much notice the
difference between these animation behaviors in the last few versions.

The patch does the following:

    -  Doubles effect.animationDuration for the Desktop Grid and it's window
heap section. You'd think that would be too much, but with this patch, Desktop
Grid (and KDE as a whole) match my 5.22 preference animation preference
EXACTLY. The windows even have the slight inertia bounce that they had before,
the new "stiffness" of the animation is gone.
Is something causing the variable to be set to the wrong speed for these new
effects, and is it actually an exact half of what it should be? I've tested
this at different levels of global animation speed but not thoroughly (I use 9
marks on the global slider for work). I tried ranging the value between 1.2, to
1.8, 2.2 to 3x duration, only 2x feels correct. The adjustment must be
consistent across all instances of the animationDuration variable, or the
windows will reposition faster than the grid zoom duration, etc. I also
considered that the global animation speed value can sometimes "stick" by
becoming set under animationDurationFactor in kwinrc, this was not the case in
my tests, the global slider was effective each time I adjusted. 

    - The exit animation/duration are still broken as well, unless
effect.deactivate() is called by event.key. Currently this is only called by
Esc key, the action of switching desktops, and Left Click/Tap. 
Shouldn't the activation hotkey also be defined as an exit action along with
Esc to properly call the animation and other exit functions? This was the
behavior in 5.22, one could enter and exit the grid without lifting a hand off
the hotkey. Right now the activation hotkey will cause the exit animation to
fly by at the wrong speed by while Esc and Left Click are smooth as silk and
consistent with the global setting. 
I hardcoded the Tab key alongside Esc to test and it is present in the patch:
this has worked for me to smoothly exit the grid with half of my hotkey
(Win+Tab), but that is not a fix. My next challenge is going to be trying to
work the grid activation hotkey in so it can be properly toggled with a double
keystroke, it would be worth a Merge discussion at that point.

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