--- Comment #7 from Zamundaaa <> ---
The actual output detection stuff takes less than a second, but then it appears
to fail to set the mode (which should never ever happen).
Weirdly, after that it also seems to do nothing at all for an entire minute,
and then there's an output change event, which makes KWin reload stuff and then
it works.

As a first step I'd like to find out why setting the mode fails. In order to do
that, you can enable drm debug logging like so:
echo 0xFE | sudo tee /sys/module/drm/parameters/debug
Then make it save the log into a file:
sudo dmesg -w > drm-debug.log

Now reproduce the bug with the dmesg command running, then stop it and disable
drm logging again with
echo 0 | sudo tee /sys/module/drm/parameters/debug
and upload the drm-debug.log file

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