Harald Sitter <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|REPORTED                    |RESOLVED
      Latest Commit|                            |
                   |                            |ities/filelight/commit/e873
                   |                            |c3bfa2e6f971e1699a5377a0e46
                   |                            |c7e363442
         Resolution|---                         |FIXED

--- Comment #3 from Harald Sitter <> ---
Git commit e873c3bfa2e6f971e1699a5377a0e46c7e363442 by Harald Sitter.
Committed on 26/04/2022 at 19:21.
Pushed by sitter into branch 'master'.

grand qml rewrite

this moves the entire main ui (excluding settings) to qtquick from

this loses some of the more esoteric kxmlgui features but should be a
good path forward on the balance

the actual map is still being qpainted, so this isn't super ideal but
the plan there is to hopefully use kquickcharts eventually instead of a
custom implementation.

settings dialog still needs porting but is kept qwidget for now to at
least reduce the scope of this port slightly
Related: bug 443751, bug 445018, bug 445026, bug 445027

M  +2    -1    .kde-ci.yml
M  +2    -1    CMakeLists.txt
M  +6    -9    src/CMakeLists.txt
M  +6    -5    src/Config.h
M  +1    -1    src/app/CMakeLists.txt
M  +5    -2    src/fileTree.h
M  +9    -23   src/main.cpp
A  +264  -0    src/mainContext.cpp     [License: GPL(3+eV) GPL(v3.0) GPL(v2.0)]
A  +81   -0    src/mainContext.h     [License: GPL(3+eV) GPL(v3.0) GPL(v2.0)]
D  +0    -587  src/mainWindow.cpp
D  +0    -118  src/mainWindow.h
D  +0    -71   src/overviewWidget.cpp
D  +0    -23   src/overviewWidget.h
D  +0    -121  src/progressBox.cpp
D  +0    -48   src/progressBox.h
A  +14   -0    src/qml/AboutPage.qml     [License: GPL(3+eV) GPL(v3.0)
A  +9    -0    src/qml/Action.qml     [License: GPL(3+eV) GPL(v3.0) GPL(v2.0)]
A  +165  -0    src/qml/MapPage.qml     [License: GPL(3+eV) GPL(v3.0) GPL(v2.0)]
A  +72   -0    src/qml/OverviewPage.qml     [License: GPL(3+eV) GPL(v3.0)
A  +183  -0    src/qml/main.qml     [License: GPL(3+eV) GPL(v3.0) GPL(v2.0)]
A  +13   -0    src/qml/qml.qrc
A  +906  -0    src/radialMap/item.cpp     [License: GPL(3+eV) GPL(v3.0)
R  +36   -43   src/radialMap/item.h [from: src/radialMap/widget.h - 051%
D  +0    -308  src/radialMap/labels.cpp
A  +42   -0    src/radialMap/labels.h     [License: GPL(3+eV) GPL(v3.0)
M  +20   -8    src/radialMap/map.cpp
M  +4    -1    src/radialMap/map.h
A  +17   -0    src/radialMap/radialMap.cpp     [License: GPL(3+eV) GPL(v3.0)
D  +0    -212  src/radialMap/widget.cpp
D  +0    -395  src/radialMap/widgetEvents.cpp
M  +10   -1    src/scan.cpp
M  +8    -3    src/scan.h

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